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pup gives chase but needs running training first

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about 2 hours ago i was out down the seafront and there were bunnies about, the pup chased after one up a bank to its den in some bushes, when he couldnt find it he stood waiting for me then dived in looking for it when i got to him and sent him in the bush, he had a look about then come back happy as larry.


all good that he chased it but i want him strong before hes allowed to bolt after something again incase he injures himself


i will be riding my bike with him tied to me, just need some advice on how much training per day or week he should do, hes lurcher x whippet and just over 18 weeks


i have some dvds on the way but thought id ask here too, any help appreciated thanks

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Just in case this isn't a wind up, and this owner is for real, please do not even consider biking your pup until it is a year old, maybe 10 months if it is a small type of lurcher. Pups shouldn't be forced to run: they need to be able to stop and start when they please. Too much forced exercise at a young age can damage the body permanently: joints, tendons, ligaments etc.


Half an hour's exercise twice a day at whatever speed the pup decides to go at is quite enough at the moment.

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Jamo: the problem with some pups is that they want to do more than is good for them. All domestic dogs are man made critters, and we've bred high prey drive into them, plus a shape of body which is far removed from that of a wild dog or wolf. So we need to be careful they don't damage their long delicate legs whilst they're still growing. Take the pup out for walks as you're doing, let it learn about rabbits, cover etc, but make sure that it gets the rest when it needs to: let sleeping pups lie and don't over do it. Don't over stimulate it to do more than it would naturally, and don't let it give chase endlessly to rabbit after rabbit it has no chance of catching.

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  On 22/11/2011 at 09:13, Jamo said:

ok thanks, il just keep walking him but i can let him chase say once a day if the chance comes?

its to young mate keep on the lead as it will turn to yapping wait till its 10 mths then just a few runs not to much atb
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