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league against crule sports!

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HIT THEM WITH THIS under section 4


(Posted in 2 parts):


'Threatening behaviour' is covered by Section 4 of the Public Order Act, 1986. The following is taken from http://www.freebeagl..._Booklet_4/lb4- 12.html


"Section 4 � Fear or Provocation of Violence


A person is guilty if he either


a) uses towards another person threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or

B) distributes to another person any writing or sign which is threatening, abusive or insulting


and either


i) he intends to cause that person to believe that immediate unlawful violence will be used against him or another by any person or to provoke such immediate violence, or

ii) it is likely that the person will believe that such violence will be used against him, or it is likely that such violence will be provoked."

hit em with this i will just after i write it on my baseball bat

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Lol... I never knew there was so many Rambos ferreting. The lads 16 ffs and your expecting him to wrap the nut on one when there 4 folk there... Don't make me laugh... Lol You done the right thing ma

Ye should of told them ye was ratting they would of left ye alone, funny how antis never protest over rats aint it

HIT THEM WITH THIS under section 4   (Posted in 2 parts):   'Threatening behaviour' is covered by Section 4 of the Public Order Act, 1986. The following is taken from http://www.freebeagles.org/a

Picking on a 16 year old ffs! Bet they wouldn't pick on a 16 year old hanging about on street corners smoking weed. No, they'd rather pick on the one that's saved up his money, caring for and training his ferrets and out doing nobody any harm.


People have got their priorities all wrong!

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hello, proberly most of you have heard of these total knob-eds! well these people are liars and a horrible people! recently ive been ferreting haveing quite a nice day catching a few but then it changed!

i was ferreting on a bank near a road and a car pulled up and was their for a bit i was a bit weary but i still carryed on... a bit l8r on 3 men and a woman got out a car and started to walk towards me then i was really getting quite scared at this point! they come up to me and asked what i was doing and i politely said back that i was ferreting, then they asked why, so i said that the farmer had quite a bad rabbit problem wich they did! they told me to leav them alone and go home!!! this point i was kinda angry! i said no im not going to stop i like doing this and i told them to leav as they where infact tresspasping. but noo! they started to take my nets of the holes and chucking them over the bank!!! i told them to leav once again and i dont what any trouble! they started to tell me im a murder and i should die and rot in hell! i called the land owner and they soon left. i was quite upset cause 4 adults have basicaly abused a 16 year old boy! i saved up hard so i could go ferreting and i make my own nets so i was upset they started to chuck them away.

these people are with the league of crule sports and they think they are good people. i think diffrent.

dose any one know what i should do cause this has made me angry and i dont what it to happen again

You should have called the police, then the land owner and if possible got the number of their car. If they touched you, then I think they could have been charged with assault! But at least you will know for next time. Don't let this put you off, kid. They were in the wrong, not you. :thumbs:

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Always take car reg and descriptions. Apart from intimidation, if they are on private land and obstructing a lawful activity it's also aggravated trespass (which unlike normal trespass is a criminal offence)


Absolutely despicable behaviour on the part of your assailants.The rent-a-mob crowd always feel their bravest when there is more of them than there is of you. What Tug has posted is very sound advice. What I would add is as you clearly had your phone on you, make the call to the police ASAP, say you have been assaulted, and your property damaged and that you suspect that they have a weapon about themselves or in the vehicle. Once off the phone start taking photos of the vehicle and each one of the yobs. or if you phone can do video so much the better.That way you'll have audio as well as visual evidence to hand to the police, and show in court if needed.


Its surprising how quickly they start becoming less brave once they know the camera is recording everything. Our local hunts makes it standard practice to video the sabs as well as the hunt monitors if they ever show up. They become astonishingly camera shy in a very short space of time.


One question. How do you know they were members of the LACS and not just the run of the mill AR prats? No that it matters either way. Lousy stinking behaviour is lousy stinking behaviour. regardless of what camp they are affiliated too.


Keep your ferreting going. Field sports need good young lads like you.

Edited by gerfalcon
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I'm sure the feelings and sentiment are mutual. In fact some of the more radical AR nutters would have the world believe that all hunters are the spawn of the devil and would happily see you nailed to a telegraph pole with a cardboard sign hanging around your neck proclaiming the fact.


Don't forget they dug up someones granny and help the corpse for ransom only a couple of years ago.

Edited by gerfalcon
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they are assholes!! and they dug up some ones gran!! how disrespectfull! and i mean they have done way worse things than we do i mean all we do is kill a few birds and ground game but they seem to kill them aswell like the deer park they got tb and died slowley and they where caught stabbing one to death! and abuseing people like me! they are in the rong hear! we are the ones who obay the law they dont!!!

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Now you know what to expect, they wont catch you off guard again... I wouldnt be able to help myself, once they started abusing my kit, the thumb stick would have got wrapped round the biggest ones head Im afraid. I can listen to verbals all day but when its your property, its a different story.

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