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My first pup

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same as graham 4877 said, bond with the pup, get him to retrieve to hand, i dont feed my dogs any commercial dog food. i feed them raw oats, raw eggs, brown rice, natural yogurt, goats milk, wholemeal bread, oily fish like pilchards, sardines, and most of all raw chicken wings. only thing i cook is the rice. i add brewers yeast and cod liver oil to there diet once a day and my dogs especially the pup are in top condition. takes a lot more work and prep but well worth it

Edited by shaun1986
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let the pup settle in an bond with it first ... dont try and do to much to quick with the pup training wise it will get fed up , make everything a game with the pup , best way to get a bit of recall and used to its name always put the food down away from the pup and call it to you then give it the food ..

im feeding my pup on redmills racer and dog mince from the butchers ...


what type of pup have you got ?

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