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League Against Cruel Sports fires campaigns chief

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  On 23/11/2011 at 18:40, Caprelous said:
  On 23/11/2011 at 18:23, gerfalcon said:
  On 23/11/2011 at 10:21, Caprelous said:

What I cant get my head round H and am sure you will agree. After viewing that video and further investigation that went on into the LACS cruelty, where has the investigation got to. there havent been any further updates on the matter , Have they reduced the numbers of the herd or had them put down totally or are they still suffering or what?


I know like me you hate to see such cruelty going on and even more so coming from an organisation that proclaims to the world its only concern is the well being of wild animals, so why hasnt something been done about it, ?


Its all gone very quite since these reports have come out .


Personally I could not give a shite about this idiot loosing his job or any other fecker to do with this organization but those deer that are supposedly are in there care I do.


You know how subtle I can be with my views as a lead fart i am told :icon_redface:




AFAIA There has been little or no change at Barons Down. I believe that the warden has intervened with the very worst Btb ridden deer and has shot them but I believe the number culled is a insignificant amount.TBH its been some time since I bothered to make enquiries. Being thoroughly hacked off with the situation as it was.


Someone needs to look into it then do you not think?

Do you know any stalkers who stalk close by or land owners who this is effecting?




Yes I firmly believe that it should be investigated. Whether it ever will or not, is another thing. Whether there is sufficient political will ( thats political with a small p) I have my doubts about.


The contacts that I have who are in the area are not stalkers.They are and always have been followers of the hunt. :icon_eek:

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What a wanker. Why dont you give it a try you c**t.   FTB

F*ckin league against cruel sports, they are a bunch of ignorant idealists and lunatics and obviously corrupt c*nts as well. No surprise the RSPCA have failed to act against them, as they cut from th

League Against Cruel Sports fires campaigns chief.     The League Against Cruel Sports has dismissed its campaigns and communications director Steve Taylor for gross misconduct following a discipli

  On 23/11/2011 at 18:56, gerfalcon said:
  On 23/11/2011 at 18:40, Caprelous said:
  On 23/11/2011 at 18:23, gerfalcon said:
  On 23/11/2011 at 10:21, Caprelous said:

What I cant get my head round H and am sure you will agree. After viewing that video and further investigation that went on into the LACS cruelty, where has the investigation got to. there havent been any further updates on the matter , Have they reduced the numbers of the herd or had them put down totally or are they still suffering or what?


I know like me you hate to see such cruelty going on and even more so coming from an organisation that proclaims to the world its only concern is the well being of wild animals, so why hasnt something been done about it, ?


Its all gone very quite since these reports have come out .


Personally I could not give a shite about this idiot loosing his job or any other fecker to do with this organization but those deer that are supposedly are in there care I do.


You know how subtle I can be with my views as a lead fart i am told :icon_redface:




AFAIA There has been little or no change at Barons Down. I believe that the warden has intervened with the very worst Btb ridden deer and has shot them but I believe the number culled is a insignificant amount.TBH its been some time since I bothered to make enquiries. Being thoroughly hacked off with the situation as it was.


Someone needs to look into it then do you not think?

Do you know any stalkers who stalk close by or land owners who this is effecting?




Yes I firmly believe that it should be investigated. Whether it ever will or not, is another thing. Whether there is sufficient political will ( thats political with a small p) I have my doubts about.


The contacts that I have who are in the area are not stalkers.They are and always have been followers of the hunt. :icon_eek:



what precisely would be investigated then and by who, I would be interested to know exactly which laws regarding a landowners responsibility to a wild herd of deer they compromised (other than possibly the failure to notify a notifiable disease) Infact I would be interested to know exactly what responsibility a landowner has in any respect to unenclosed wild deer on their property?

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It would help determine once and for all whether the problem is as bad as the BDS and the local Stag hunts claim or is as minimal as the LACS claim. I know which version of the truth I feel is the closest to the actual situation. If an independent investigation found the case to be as bad as its is claimed to be the LACS would be hard pushed not to instigate some sort of significant cull programme. If only under the moral grounds of not wanting to see an animal suffer.


In regards to a landowners responsibilities to wild mammals other than as you mention notifying DeFRA of any notable diseases. AFAIK . They are required to ensure that no animal suffers cruelty or neglect thru or by their actions. Just as we all are. They are also require to ensure that any person or group granted permission to hunt on their land complies with the Hunting Act 2004

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 23/11/2011 at 18:42, predatorman said:
  On 21/11/2011 at 17:42, gerfalcon said:
  On 21/11/2011 at 14:27, Richie10 said:
  On 21/11/2011 at 12:52, gerfalcon said:

League Against Cruel Sports fires campaigns chief.



The League Against Cruel Sports has dismissed its campaigns and communications director Steve Taylor for gross misconduct following a disciplinary investigation concerning expenses claims.


A League Against Cruel Sports spokesman said the charity has referred the case to the police and will not comment further until investigations are completed:




Don't you support them?


On 99.9% of their policies and ideas no. The only thing I share with them is a view on deer coursing and the all round benefit of its ban. Hardly what I would regards as support in its widest sense. support.

can you enlighten us all to your first hand experience of deer coursing without sidestepping the question please. no need for your drivel, what you saw with your own eyes as its how i tend to form my beliefs.

looks like the anti never seen it ??

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