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another cracking day with yorkshirehunter

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after last weeks impressive haul on yorkshirehunters permission (24 rabbits ) plans were maid for another outing this weekend .yorkshirehunter also invited royston off this site whos been struggleing to gain his own permission (hes had a post up in the permission wanted section ) he drove from sheffield and met me in leeds then we doubled up and headed east to the malton area a 50+ mile drive , it was real foggy but we still managed our 8.30 am meet with yorkshirehunter .we headed straight to the area where we were to work , we unloaded the car collared up the ferrets .once again the field we entered had burrows everywere its was just an open flat field and not a hedgerow in sight . we put a long net around the first burrow and entered the 3 ferrets after waiting 10 or so minits all the ferrets emerged from the burrow and started messing so we boxed them up and moved on ,the same happened again on the next warren, no rabbits and ferrets not interested ,we couldnt believe it all the signs were good but no rabbits ?. so third warren (third time lucky ) within seconds, 2 bolters .the long nets did there job and after another 10 mins or so another hit the net all nice size bunnies in perfect health . once we had started catching our tally started to mount as we moved around the permission ,after 5 hours we had to pack up due to traveling and family commitments our final tally being 21 rabbits ,we also had 2 escape the nets and 2 killed in the warren that couldnt be retrieved ( 1 fecker 4ft down ).yorkshirehunter also invited his friend craig along who was well impressed with the longnets as it was the first time he had seen them in use .ive added a few picks of our day .....hope you like em .......jim

(i would also like to add that its the second time ive been ferreting with royston and hes a decent guy so if anyone local to him needs a tag along that can be trusted ,hes your man .



jimster and royston


craige and royston






little albino jill ready to seek and destroy.




a bolter just hitting the net and royston springing into action.



nets set up around the burrow and ready to go




all the burrows looked like this.









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nice write up jim we had a good day we was all happy and the farmer was aswell, plenty more days to come and loads of more land to cover just not enough time ,and i agree with you royston is a good lad if any one round sheffield area needs a extra body for some help hes your man ,honest and trustworthy ,hes relaible and would probly travel further afield ,cheers see yo soon lads :thumbs:

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