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Hey All. Joined Test valley angling club in september, and paid full price halfway through the season with my two mates, to have a crack at the big girl in Nutsey. Done a few nights through september. I was due to go to spain for a week on the 1st of october, and just as I was boarding the plane, my mate phoned me to say he had her in his net at 49.12, I was gutted, but pleased for him, hes broke his PB twice this season, with a previous of 33.6., hes doing well.

So, today on the way back from ferreting I got a call to say she was dead, gutted is an understatement. The fish was an english fish, stocked in the 70`s. R.I.P the Nutsey Big `un.

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That Two Tone was our biggest carp. The next biggest is only 57lb now, the parrot, I think. Im mostly gutted because Test valley was only £130 for the year, where as most places that hold big carp are expensive as feck to get on there and fish.





Do you do much river fishing for carp ?

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badly prepared particles is a myth its been proven, massive shame about that nutsey fish, my mate dave will be gutted he has that ticket. you certainly got the venues down your way mate, where i live its crap for carp. not bad pike mind.

ive seen a feller using tigers un soacked\cooked i told him about it,

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badly prepared particles is a myth its been proven, massive shame about that nutsey fish, my mate dave will be gutted he has that ticket. you certainly got the venues down your way mate, where i live its crap for carp. not bad pike mind.

ive seen a feller using tigers un soacked\cooked i told him about it,

Some people aint got a clue and the others dont give a f**k. Come back polish, all is forgiven. At least they eat them
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