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A try with the shotgun,never done it before

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Was suppose to be at work today,went in and the boss sent us home about 8:30 saying computers not working,which means he was on the drink last night and felt like crap :laugh: .So i thought i would have a quick do out,thinking i was on me own didnt want to be carrying loads of gear,so i thought i would take a couple of ferrets and the old noisey thing(no not the missus :laugh: ).So shotgun out the cabinet,in the 20 years or so i have been ferreting it is always with purse nets so this was a first for me.Got to the farm and decided to do a little bank that has a few small warrens on it,not many rabbits here,so ferret in stood back and waited,5 mins a bit of thumping i was thinking first rabbit with the shotgun here we come :whistling: .............but no 2 rabbits bolted at the same time from differant holes and by the time i had made me mind up which to go for they had both gone :censored::icon_redface: .So on to the next warren ferret in and before i could get down off the bank i could hear a rabbit thumping i just turned round when it bolted,so another gets away :censored: .I was thinking i havent got the hang of this :laugh: .Next warren ferret in and i waited,suddenly i could hear thumping that was it on high alert i was..the rabbit bolted i swung the shotgun and boom...........the rabbit rolled over and lay dead :boogy::toast: :toast: :toast: at last success, the birds where singing,it was great to be alive etc etc :laugh: .So after that it was time to go home breakfast was calling :laugh: .So not a big bag at all but i really enjoyed it and will be doing it again.


The bank i did.




End of session bag



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Well done mate ferreting to guns is a great enjoyable sport when done with people you 100% trust but can be real dodgy if you have someone from the trigger happy brigade with you glad you enjoyed it


Cheers mate thats why i went on me own i know where every one is then :laugh: .

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sounds a bit like are morning ! after purchasing my first two ferrets not really a clue on these little chaps other than watch the teeth , we went out yesterday for the first time with my friend Kay who has worked ferrets before . and we allowed hubbie to come and play with his gun, we had great fun bolting the rabbits , my little lurcher missed both , as did hubbie with the gun :icon_redface: , but all in all it was a great afternoon and me and Kay where crying with laughter when the ferret took a dislike to hubbie , not quite sure what the dancing on the back legs is all about , i guessed he was either excited ! or angry ! that was the ferret and not hubbie lol.

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