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a few pics of my first lurcher

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popped over to mums today, dug out my scanner & borrowed some photos of Black Jack Davy, my first dog. 29 1/2" saluki x greyhound, me & dads pride & joy! got poisoned years ago and had to be pts. R.I.P. Jacko, much missed :cry:












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  REW said:
looks a very smart dog ,do you know what he was like on hare.


good hunting



honestly i couldn't say. i was only little when we had him, we used to take him with us to coursing events, but dad never ran him there, and dad was always a bit of a solo hunter, if he took anyone out with him it was his best friend, never me! all i really have to go on is the steady stream of people through our garden at 3am, poking about our kennels trying to steal him :icon_eek: ! that dog had quite a reputation by all accounts!


  snoopdog said:

dad was pissed as a b*ll*ck when he brought Jacko home, he was so drunk he didn't bother to check if he was a dog or a bitch (we only had bitches at the time :laugh: ). dad was given him to give to me to keep me company after my brother was born. he was bred by my dads best friend, a saluki dog over a greyhound bitch. don't know anything about the parents, and i doubt dad does either, he was that pissed! :laugh::drink: turned out to be a good'un though. we still have his grandaughter & great grandson.

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  world.hunters said:
cracking looking dog


how has its grandaughter & great grandson done in the field

we put Jack over a big brindle greyhound bitch, she produced 16 puppies :icon_eek: , lost 2 (still, feeding 14 nearly bankrupted us! :laugh: ). we kept back a dog & a bitch, put a collie x grey over the bitch. that's how the grandaughter is bred. she's 26", black with brindle front legs. she's getting on a bit now, but i know she's taken deer (with help from the other dogs) & hare, and gave dad a rather pleasant surprise a couple of weeks before she turned 8 - she was out for a bit of exercise on dads permission, vanished & returned with a hare!

the sister of that bitch was bred back to the collie x grey, producing the grandson, big black shaggy thing with white socks on his front legs. he's about 26" too. not seen much action, but takes rabbits. he's become more of a pet really. last of the line, i'd love to have that dog & work him seriously, but dad won't part with him.


  world.hunters said:
do u know if it ever chased deer, i can image it could do well on em

like i've said before, i was a tiddler when we had Jack, so my recollections of his hunting prowess are sketchy to say the least. i do remember dad rolling home one day with a jack and another dog, and a deer in the back of the car, and grandad giving him a bollocking for going out without a knife to finish it off with!


  Ricky-N.p.p said:
love the one of him looking down at the lad :laugh:

:laugh: that's my little bro, i think he was about 3 in that pic. can you tell mum liked making clothes for us? :laugh:

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