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Couple of the mutts, and update on the pup Roxy

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Not stuck much up recently so took the camera out on a mouch over the moors.

we have been having a lot of fun catching tree rats of late, Flyn has picked up quite afancy for them and roxy is starting to scent the little fur balls, and gets quite excited when she stumbles across a scent.

Also been encouraging her to try and flush pheasants that have made their way onto the moors off the local shoots. She hasnt got fully onto the idea, but its early days... :)

She is about 8 months now, coming in at 22 1/2 inches and around 22kg. Feline as you like. :) Started her jumping fencing this week which was no problem, bounds nicely over sheep net with the double strand barbed wire... Aslo leaps like a crazy cat from various rocks on the moors, some of which is a cause for concern - she must have flew 10 ft across a path from 6 foot height having seen a squirrel the other morning

I also have a row of 15 ft high conifers, trimmed square across the top that run for about 30m along the edge of my Garden. I came out one afternoon to find her running across the top of them,.... :o She had obviously got up there and got stuck, and got quite excited at seeing me. I wanted to take a picture, but suspected she would leap, so encouraged her over to the shed, where the leapt onto the Apex roof and proceeded to slide down towards me. I had to climb some step ladders to get up to he and catch her.... :roll: :roll: Bloody dog!

Other than that, she is fine.

Very clingy too me, not as prey driven towards hunting as Poppy was for the same age, but then she is young and it will do her well to serve out her puppy days :lol::lol:

Flyn is flyn, still doing what i ask when i ask. Been taking a few on the lamp, missing a few too :lol::lol::lol:

Cant wait to get my ferrets back so i can get Roxy over some nice moorland warrens.


You wil also see in the pics the dying fern.....once this flattens, it becomes a good haven for the daytime coney on a Frosty morn, It will be interesting to see how she gets on early next year when the conditions favour the Lurcher that bit better... ;)





Sit down for a cup of tea and even the old fella Flyn amuzes himself.... :lol:



She is up on flyn for size now, but heavier, stronger and already faster ;)




She has a nice front on her, still thenk there is a little more shap to come, and her chest is yet to drop, i think.








She might lok sensible in some of the pics...but as above shows, still crazy as feck!!!!!

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Crackin little lady there mate......got a mad look about her and a character that'll prove its worth on those bleak winter mornings as am sure shel be running rings around ya and keepin a smile on yer face too....lovely pair of dogs well done kidda...enjoy em especially the daft moments before she calms down into serious mode which im sure she'll certainly do one day....atb jp

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Lovely dogs mate ,how's she getting on with her training she's an inch taller than her sister


Hey up, training is ok. She seems to pick things up quick enough when she wants to, treats work well with her. However she is very easily distracted, especially by the other dog.......although I think she is in her cranky months at the mo.


Hope Willow is coming on ok. They seem to be a nice smaller size. I thought they might have been an inch taller maybe, but am not complaining at the size she has made given she will be mainly on the rabbit.

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Always enjoy looking at your posts, you take some really nice photos. The 1st and 15th are very nice.

Just out of interest what camera do you use, I have been looking at getting a Digitial SLR Camera





Info use an SLR, i bought it second have of eBay for £250 6 years ago. It's a very basic Canon Rebel 300. I recond you could pick a second hand one up for around £100. I have never updated it, despite being tempted for new toys, as I bash it about when in the field, it gets covered in mud, dust and water and if it were a newer that cost more ££££££, I'd be worrying more about the camera than concentrating on the dogs.


15 is my fav ;)

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Yeah willow loves her distractions when training. But she loves her rabbit skin covered dummys she got over with ease so I got my long nets out and showed her on comand and she got it within ten mins , my nan loves her she wants to take her home at times is oso tempting but she will get there .

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