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Couple of the mutts, and update on the pup Roxy

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Always enjoy looking at your posts, you take some really nice photos. The 1st and 15th are very nice.

Just out of interest what camera do you use, I have been looking at getting a Digitial SLR Camera





Info use an SLR, i bought it second have of eBay for £250 6 years ago. It's a very basic Canon Rebel 300. I recond you could pick a second hand one up for around £100. I have never updated it, despite being tempted for new toys, as I bash it about when in the field, it gets covered in mud, dust and water and if it were a newer that cost more ££££££, I'd be worrying more about the camera than concentrating on the dogs.


15 is my fav ;)


Cheers for that I'll keep an eye out for one. My bridge camera just isn't man enough for the job. Shutter speed is too slow. ATB

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