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I havnt done much ferreting over the last few seasons and all this week ive had the urge as they say,ive had abit of a hectic few months im expecting my third child and ive been looking for work let me tll you it isnt easy but thank god ive just landed a nice little number, any way enough of all that i decided last night that i would dust the nets off and the ferrets and just try a few local spots nothin to grewling just something too get the little critters back in the swing of things. The spot i chose is a sandy bank on the back of this industrial place used to be one of my old haunts when i was a nipper always was a banker if i wanted a bunny or 2 netted up a 3 holer and entered a 3 year old pole cat jill she was down there for about 3 maybe 4minutes it seemed like for ever when your in the start position poised waiting for the net to go any way a brown bler hit the net and i did the standard goal keeper dive rabbit dipatched net back on and i waited ferret came out i run her through again no more in this one. I moved to the next one along about 7 or 8 holes some are abit awkward to net due to dog walkers dogs digging them out never the less i managed to get the nets on entered my silver jill now this jill is or was abit of a pain in the backside shes abit taistey like to play up i was abit reluctant to work her but hey theyve gotta do the job or it isnt worth bringing them out i waited the a crash in the net and a despatch waiting for the next bolt but she was too interested in the rabbit that hit the net but on the up side she wasnt playing up i took her out and entered the old polecat jill with in minutes another one had hit the net i lept towards only for it too twist out the net and make quick its exit into the cover damn it.i decided to do one abit further down only a 3 holer to try the young sandy jill it looked pretty live i entered her waited but no luck let her come out she run through every hole. Went on too another spot under a tree now i know this one holds a bunny or 2 my russell marks it like hell every time i go over there fresh sandy kick out was a sure sign too netted up about 7 holes they were really awkward wish i had a long net really or brought a dog with wud of been easier i think i entered the pole cat jill she went round the tree and shot staight in the larger sandy kicked hole i waited trying to get my self in the best position possible THUMP THUMP THUMP i heard from under the tree my heart raced the ferret showed went back in thumping again under my feet 2mins after ferret made and apearance and decided to walk round the tree so i decided to try the silver jill these rabbits were playing hard too get i placed her on the floor while i sorted a net out before i had finshed she was climbing the tree and went in a hole a 3rd of the way up with in seconds a rabbit burst into a net peg was out and it was on its way i dived on it naraly missing a nice slimmey cow pat LOVELY i turned round to drop another net on too late bunny was off i dispatched the one in my hand and i thought id call it a day not abig bag lads and ladies but i was happy enough considering last time i had the 2 ferrets out they acted like complete idiots any way thanks for reading


Edited by Penda
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nice read up mate at least your getting out ATB DM

Sound mate ive had a couple of call outs through the week hopefully i should be doing them this week 1s a cricket pitch and the other is a farmer i bumped in to the other day wants a load removing off of his fields nice hedge rowes some are pretty open im looking forward it :thumbs:

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