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Night vision for rabbits

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I have a ATN night vision Gen2 on my Air Arms S410K have had great success ratting but i cant get on with the Reticle on it its one of them step ones for distance good for shooting deer ect but rat and rabbits no.

Anyway I was thinking of putting on a infer red lazer dot and use that instead of the reticle has any one used one and what do they think to it and does any one use night vision for rabbits many thanks Dowen. :hmm:

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I have a ATN night vision Gen2 on my Air Arms S410K have had great success ratting but i cant get on with the Reticle on it its one of them step ones for distance good for shooting deer ect but rat and rabbits no.

Anyway I was thinking of putting on a infer red lazer dot and use that instead of the reticle has any one used one and what do they think to it and does any one use night vision for rabbits many thanks Dowen. :hmm:



Hi Dowen, used to a Dipol Gen1 NV (total darkness) for rabbits and it was superb. The only reason I don't still use it is I'd always lamped and decided to go back to that................Al :victory:

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Guest Magwitch

the merlin is £300 and the IR filter £30, its a gen1 but if you buy a decent laser illuminator to go with it you can shoot bunnies at 100+. i can shoot out to 60-70 yards using the nightsearcher lamp which does me. :thumbs-up: the new digital add on from GB sights is excellent and is £500 all in but well worth the money its hard to get hold of at the moment though.

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the merlin is £300 and the IR filter £30, its a gen1 but if you buy a decent laser illuminator to go with it you can shoot bunnies at 100+. i can shoot out to 60-70 yards using the nightsearcher lamp which does me. :thumbs-up: the new digital add on from GB sights is excellent and is £500 all in but well worth the money its hard to get hold of at the moment though.



im waiting delivery for my digital nv should be here in a couple of weeks

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i've been told these digi's are in customs awaiting del to uk......................


how long ago did you purchase UKHUNTER....??????



Sorry for the late reply i ordered it on the 4 April

just got a phone call from gbsights there where

hoping to send it to me yesterday

but its going to be sent out on monday now

so it will be on tuesday

Edited by ukhunter
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  • 2 weeks later...

I.ve had my aspro nv since friday , going out with it 2n after a lampshy duck killing charles :)

i been messing about with it since friday as i pulled me back out on friday :( made sure the 222+rimmy were on sunday but its rained eversince at nite here :(


But looks gonna be a good nite so off to bait up and wait with digi nv


Hope u get on ok with ures H/O/ Wales get used to the buttons and settings then u will be amazed at the nv


hers the webby for the nv http://www.gbsights.co.uk/digital.htm





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