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Take a look at this vile bitch

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So where,s the Cuntryside Alliance,s response to this?? Its about time they made their voices heard instead of taking cash of folk and doing fcuk all to fight our corner. By "our" i mean everybody inv

To some folk .....this is Dinner..............................     This is where it comes from.....................AND how its caught and killed...........   On the other hand..................

Id still Fuk her.



To some folk .....this is Dinner..............................




This is where it comes from.....................AND how its caught and killed...........


On the other hand...................





If you are a hypocrite, you can always pick you meat up from one of these places... Where no animals are harmed in the making of your pies and frozen tv fecking dinners.

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  On 19/11/2011 at 07:47, mattydski said:



To some folk .....this is Dinner..............................




This is where it comes from.....................AND how its caught and killed...........


On the other hand...................





If you are a hypocrite, you can always pick you meat up from one of these places... Where no animals are harmed in the making of your pies and frozen tv fecking dinners.


i like frozen meals lol although i dont shop in tescos.jew c**ts!

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Guest thebigdog
  On 19/11/2011 at 07:55, rob190364 said:

Gutted kirsty gallagher is on the list...she is fine!!!! thats it now, if she ever wants to shag me she can forget it........no, i'll still do it, just wouldn't be happy about it! i would do it angrily!


is it not always angrily with you, always heard a small dick will do that to a man :laugh:

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Thing is people are entitled to their own opinions and beliefs...


Half of them shown have had no real involvement in the countryside, hunting or farming..


They also forget like many others that without mans strong bond and involvement with dogs together for hunting and protection through the ages many of them would not be here now...


Hunting is in a dogs blood from its very beginnings same as its in ours... We are all but animals just clever ones..


I think a lot of the LACS brigade have got detached from the real world... There's a difference between respectfully hunting an animal and someone torturing a living animal, that is wrong... Cruelty is around us in every form of the animal kingdom, the living world is cruel, from rats to hawks to foxes, to whatever..look at how they survive ...


Typical example below sparrowhawk kill, I bet most birds like getting pecked and eaten alive...Oh its a magpie, hmmmm yes they eat other birds too

... HOW CRUEL !!! Maybe its just life..






Little bit of mans involvement with dogs


Archeology has placed the earliest known domestication at potentially 30,000 BC, and with certainty at 7,000 BC.Other evidence suggests that dogs were first domesticated in East Asia.


Due to the difficulty in assessing the structural differences in bones, the identification of a domestic dog based on cultural evidence is of special value. Perhaps the earliest clear evidence for this domestication is the first dog found buried with humans from 12,000 years ago in Palestine.


In 2008 re-examination of fossil material excavated from Govet Cave in Belgium in the late 19th century resulted in the identification of a 31,700-year-old dog, a large and powerful animal who ate reindeer, musk oxen and horses. This dogwolf was part of the Aurignacian culture that had produced the art in Chauvet Caves

In 2010, the remains of a 33,000-year-old "incipient dog" were found in the Altai Mountians of southern Siberia. In 2011 the skeleton of a 26,000- to 27,000-year-old dog were found in the Czech Republic. It had been interred with a bone in its mouth—perhaps to assist its journey in the afterlife.


Domestication of the wolf over time has produced a number of physical changes typical of all domesticated mammals. These include: a reduction in overall size; changes in coat colouration and markings; a shorter jaw initially with crowding of the teeth and, later, with the shrinking in size of the teeth; a reduction in brain size and thus in cranial capacity (particularly those areas relating to alertness and sensory processing, necessary in the wild); and the development of a pronounced “stop”, or vertical drop in front of the forehead. Certain wolf-like behaviors, such as the regurgitation of partially digested food for the young, have also disappeared.


So for the likes of Alesha Dixon, I'd say go pat a hunting dog on the head and take a good look in the mirror.... Whats cruel is stopping an animal from doing what comes most natural to it, look around the world the deserts,forests, oceans, its the true world we live in, forget tesco and asda, your m&s, or strictly come prancing, or any other brain washing medium....there's not much more natural in this world than being a hunter! I'm sure our four legged friends would agree...

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Some good and interesting replies on this thread.

At least it's one thing we all seem to agree on for once :victory:


I for one think it is so sad the state of the sport these days, a fine and noble sport that runs in most of our blood brought to a near hault by ignorance and prejudice.

So much for freedom of speech, human rights bla bla bla. That only seems to apply to people who know what strings to pull whilst us commoners get shafted over and over again.


If they think some plastic celebrity will stop us doing what comes naturally to us they are on to a hiding for nothing.


f**k LACS and f**k the ban




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  On 19/11/2011 at 16:50, J Darcy said:

Guys, be careful what you post. We all know we are joking, but some words might be construed as a threat and then you might find yourself in hot water. :thumbs: Just stay safe. :victory:

funny though the shit ye could get into even though most of whats said on here is a joke at time
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sad thing is they say we are causing animals cruelty,in fact if me and dixon were in a car together and came across a badly mixy rabbit who would get out and end this terrible suffering.?

if she was brought up in the countryside shed understand all total bolllacks.that lacs shower just dont seem to understand that lifes of animals is taken for human consumption,as long it dont suffer then fine.they dont mind buying chicken from supermarkets that they dont see,or have anything to do with the bird.i really belive if we did nt hunt foxes,and shoot etc,most of these animals,that are ,sick,old,diseased,runts, etc etc would pass this on,and we would see a drop in numbers due to weak genes,.............sorry poor explanation my english is shit :huh:

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