Guest grubygrafter Posted March 31, 2007 Report Share Posted March 31, 2007 i have read a few posts lately that have pulled down usefull bolting terriers and terriers that can call out. so i would like to ask all why is the terrier that is most productive .ie the the terrier capable of takeing a larger amounts of foxes in a shorter timescale with less effort and less damage not given the respect that it is due i have a high regard for dogs that will stay or kill their foe. but feel they are far to limited and if i could only keep one dog it would be a bolting dog. so what do you think is more usefull?? Quote Link to post
donnyc 1,203 Posted March 31, 2007 Report Share Posted March 31, 2007 There is a place for both ,the hard ones often come in handy a straight out and out bayer I personaly would not keep .My preference is a hard bayer mixer.Call out dogs ???????????????????/ I suppose if their work was up to scratch when to ground and they could stay and only lift when called no probs Quote Link to post
ddsr 0 Posted March 31, 2007 Report Share Posted March 31, 2007 A terrier that bolts its quarry isnt taking the quarry so i dont tink its due any respect imo. also a terrier that can be called out of an earth is just ridiculous not trying to knock anyones dog or anyting but a terrier that can be called off its quarry just isnt right. Quote Link to post
skycat 6,174 Posted March 31, 2007 Report Share Posted March 31, 2007 (edited) I could call my old bitch out, but only if I screamed myself blue in the face and gave myself a headache by bawling into the hole for long enough! Quite useful when I think of the number of times she has gone to ground when she shouldn't have: couldn't do that with her daughters though, or not until they had finished the job. Which do I rate more: make no distinction between them, they all stay until dug to or it has bolted. Edited to add: Just reread that last post: about having no respect for a terrier that bolts its quarry: so the dog goes to ground, quarry decides its too hot in there, and promptly leaves by the back door. So what's the dog supposed to do then? Say "excuse me, mr foxy, do you mind just sitting there while I trash you?" or maybe get towed out by the brush as quarry exits back door. Edited March 31, 2007 by skycat Quote Link to post
ddsr 0 Posted March 31, 2007 Report Share Posted March 31, 2007 I was refering to the terrier that only bolts its quarry. I accept that you wont always get a dig because of bolts or what ever else. just to clarify my point, terriers which wont stay underground (for whatever reason) or those that can be 'called out' arent worth keeping. but then again its just my opinion im allowed that arent i? Quote Link to post
wink hound 0 Posted March 31, 2007 Report Share Posted March 31, 2007 simply a dog that can call out or bolts well, can be very usful in alot of circumsatnces, and i actually belive that if true fox control was the issue and a good clean shot with a shot gun was present you would "control alot more on a day to day basis. just i like digging Quote Link to post
whin 463 Posted April 1, 2007 Report Share Posted April 1, 2007 me prsonaly mines stay till dug andbay and mix but were i stay a fox bolter would be hnady as thee amix of qaurry localy , and one you could call out well not my cup of tea really , as you shouldnt put a dog in ahole your not prepared to dig Quote Link to post
Guest Spartan Posted April 1, 2007 Report Share Posted April 1, 2007 ok I'm talking pre ban here , but a fox killing dog was not what a terrierman working on a fox hunt would have is it..........I suspect that this sort of dog was frowned upon when you have 20 horses and a load of hounds waiting for a bolt. I was always under the impression that the black dogs were bred to keep up with the hounds on a long days hunting on the fells, sure a few lads digging with no hounds will prefer a fox killer....but some will also like a dog that bolts to a gun. Horses for courses I reckon depending on the terrain etc. Quote Link to post
alimac 882 Posted April 1, 2007 Report Share Posted April 1, 2007 (edited) your all going on about how shit a terrier is that can be shouted out.... wise up dicks, or are you just playing around with puppy earths? there are times and PLACES that it can be very handy for a digger to be able to shout his dog out... if it dos shout out, theres no one making you do it every time you go out, its just another another option you have.. any terrier that can be shouted out is better for working the next day compared to a dog that gets killed or well hammered to ground.... every situation has a different solution, just like in a perfect world we would have a dog for every situation.... just my opinion.. edited to say, no mine dont shout out but yes i wish they f**ing would SOMETIMES Edited April 1, 2007 by alimac Quote Link to post
fellman 116 Posted April 1, 2007 Report Share Posted April 1, 2007 i haave a good bolting bitch here and she is a decent dog .......i have also dug to her on a good few occasions they are very handy to have ,especialy for a hunt terrierman . i think horses for courses ......but i dont know feck all as i have been told many many times a really good digging dog is, in my opinion ,a great tool they all have their place in a kennels .. yis fellman Quote Link to post
Guest grubygrafter Posted April 1, 2007 Report Share Posted April 1, 2007 simply a dog that can call out or bolts well, can be very usful in alot of circumsatnces, and i actually belive that if true fox control was the issue and a good clean shot with a shot gun was present you would "control alot more on a day to day basis. just i like digging good honest post wink. most things' and terrierwork is no different often come down to personal preference. i prefare to see a terrier go to ground and wait for a bolt there is nothing i like more than seeing a fox comming out of an earth and stretching a net or being bowled over by a gun as it makes its bid for freedom. i have a gundog in case they are not shot cleanly. as for shout out dogs there is good and bad in this type also. a hunting partner of many years ago had a shout out dog that killed almost every fox it went to. and he would call off almost instantly. and you would be surprised how the lads that went out with that dog soon got fed up of digging down to a corpse. and he was used less and less he was bred by a lad that frequents these sites he was a very handy dog as you can imagine for starting youngsters. the way we done it was like this walk to the area let old bob off.and let him go to the earths he would mark the hole by standing with his head low and stiffen like a statue the only thing that moved was his tail that had a steady side to side tick tock motion. this is when you had a moment to ecide do you let him go or try a young un as you where 100% it was occuped . or you could give him the nod and say go on son and he slid in slowly and steadily there was nothing brash about him . once up to a fox he would bay . again this was a steady bay. this was a few years ago now. long before the ban.once you heard this you had a short time to get down to the dog on the odd time we did get down to a healthy fox we had the chance to watch his method. he would bay like thunder once within a foot or so and inch foreward showing the fox his nose until the fox struck at him sometimes this was the only bite he took and once he had the measure of the fox he would drive in throwing everything at the fox nine times out of ten he would have the hold and it was only a matter of minutes.before the fox was limp. sometimes he never didnt get it all his own way and had to go through this process numerous times . but the end result was always the same. now bearing in mind this dog could be called off. i'de say he was a very handy animal we worker him for many seasons and he never lost a tooth until he was nine. and then he almost half of them to a small vixen in a bad spot. he was then retired. and i wish i had the likes of him now. this dog never willingly came off a fox. this is one of the reasons i dislike sweeping statement. like all dogs that call out are shite. ive not had a lot of dogs compared to some. but ive had and used them to there strengths for a number of years and if this meant i had to dig then i dug. and have dug a few . i just prefare to bolt foxes and keep my earths good. this site as with most others is short on experienced terriermen and long on wannabee.s i have had a poor season this year and last season wasnt the greatest but ive been at it long enough to now that next year could be a cracker . so here.s hopeing. and good hunting to all you terriermen whatever your prefared type Quote Link to post
fellman 116 Posted April 1, 2007 Report Share Posted April 1, 2007 was out for a bit with the dogs this morning mate shes now lieing in the sun waiting for somthing to bark at! tha black devil is never tired!!!!!!!!! little fecker 1 Quote Link to post
Squirrel_Basher 17,100 Posted April 1, 2007 Report Share Posted April 1, 2007 In my experience ,I get enough bolts with a digging dog so wonder why anyone would actually want a callout dog .The truth behind these dogs is that they are never 100% committed to the job or you couldnt call them out even if you wanted to .Seen a few in the past and the more they were called out ,the more they wanted out .Im fully aware that certain situations require a certain make up of dog ie undiggable spots dont warrant a long term stayer and that the softer type will sometimes shift a fox by giving ground to it ,but a dog that can be called out -Not my idea of what the games about .Whatever you need from a terrier always breed best to best and dont settle for shit . Foxdropper . Quote Link to post
Guest foxtrack Posted April 1, 2007 Report Share Posted April 1, 2007 your all going on about how shit a terrier is that can be shouted out.... wise up dicks, or are you just playing around with puppy earths? there are times and PLACES that it can be very handy for a digger to be able to shout his dog out... if it dos shout out, theres no one making you do it every time you go out, its just another another option you have.. any terrier that can be shouted out is better for working the next day compared to a dog that gets killed or well hammered to ground.... every situation has a different solution, just like in a perfect world we would have a dog for every situation.... just my opinion..edited to say, no mine dont shout out but yes i wish they f**ing would SOMETIMES wiseup dicks ? come down hear to wales mate and illshow you what some of our puppy earths are like. our puppy earths are the sort of places you'd think twice about putting a dog in come and try them if you like Quote Link to post
waz77 15 Posted April 1, 2007 Report Share Posted April 1, 2007 I can vouch for foxtrack,these are no puppy earths Quote Link to post
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