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Jack Russel or Lurcher??

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why not get the two of them.

one for bushing, the other for picking up.

also they would be good company for each other.



A great idea. The one problem we have here is the tenancy rules.........NO PETS ALLOWED so, the neighbour next door has a Staffi and others have cats so, we are bringing the one dog in under the umbrella as it were and hope for the best!



Sounds like it will end up in the local dog pound when the landlord finds out to me. Take a chance with a kitten not a well bred working dog

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why not get the two of them.

one for bushing, the other for picking up.

also they would be good company for each other.



A great idea. The one problem we have here is the tenancy rules.........NO PETS ALLOWED so, the neighbour next door has a Staffi and others have cats so, we are bringing the one dog in under the umbrella as it were and hope for the best!



Sounds like it will end up in the local dog pound when the landlord finds out to me. Take a chance with a kitten not a well bred working dog


Wont happen:) Landlord can go eff himself coz i would be making sure every other bugger with an animal was told to get rid of them as well and the land lord would not stand the court case that would come out of it if he decided to try the old eviction shite:)

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seen a lurcher get smashed on the M6 not a pretty sight also seen a terrier get smashed into on the M65 the terrier survived and still hunts today.. The lurcher didn't stand a chance. as simo said that road would always be in the back of my mind ferrets lurcher and long net at least the long net may give some extra blockage to the road for the lurcher :thumbs:

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