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Had an hour out with Old Real Tree.

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Got a call from Old Real Tree earlier asking if i fancied a quick shine. Had a long day and had started feeding the dog, but after about 5 mins of persuasion i said yes.


Met up at our local spot, just as the rain stopped, wind stopped and cloud thinned right out. GREAT!


Anyway, had a bit of a mooch about, but it was pretty quiet, and what was there was long slips and tight to the hedge.


Gave Finn a couple of long slips to see how he would fare, and he did well on them, spotting well, getting right up the rabbits ass, and was really unlucky not to connect tonight.


Milly however, was her usual cracking self, performing very well and catching most of what she had a good run at, ending the hour with five in the bag.


On the walk down the farm drive to the car we flicked the light onto the adjacent field and to our surprise charlie was sat watching us, lamp off, dogs over fence, gun ready, lamp on, and he'd vanished, nowhere to be seen. On closer inspection it appeared he had dropped into a drain behind him. Bloody thing knows the land well and knows the score, and has been making us look like a pair of tits for weeks now. . . . . . but one night he'll make a mistake.


All in all a nice hour out in good company.





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Fair play mate you wrote that quick, I only now got home lol. Yes good hour out, pitty about the weather mind, anyway old Charlie will fall to us soon don't you worry, Finn is getting closer and closer every time we take him out, recall seems to be getting better too, glad we went out now mate

Speak soon


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Good luck Bryson! Let us know how you do.


ORT - Yes mate, we'll get him before the seasons end, maybe before christmas. He's just taking the piss now :laugh: Always good to get out mate, and the company is always a pleasure :thumbs: Finn is just a little b*****d for hunting up, but at least now it's only the one field, not the whole farm :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: He's knackered now, after playing the gun dog this morning, the ferreting dog this afternoon and the lamping dog this eve. :thumbs:

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Well done Bryson! At least he's catching them, that's a good start, and you can just iron out the niggles :thumbs:


KR - He still tried to go off on his own cat hunting when i got back :laugh: Our 'neighbours' have recently had kittens which have now got old enough to prowl around at night on their own. And they like having a mooch about my place, mainly due i think, to the smell of various dead animals that are always hanging about . . . this the dog has sussed and it's only a matter of time before he gets the drop on one :cray:

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