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Dog license and microchipping

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I just received a phonecall from a woman doing a survey for the dogs trust, asked me if I had a few minutes to spare. I agreed. Long story short she wanted to know if I owned dogs, if they were licensed and was I aware that come April by law all dogs have to be licensed and microchipped !!!!! I was aware of that anyway but it just made me think. I don't know about the rest off you folk but my council is reluctant to give out BLOCK licenses that I have had in the past, due to the fact off puppy farming in certain areas I am unable to obtain one of these now. This means I am going to have to license all my dogs individually which will cost a small fortune. I'm not prepared to do this for various reasons and as for the microchipping Ive no intention off bringing my terriers into a veterinary surgeon to microchip also for various reasons. If everyone did oblige to this law would it not be very easy for certain people that have the power to look on a computer and see that someone has registered x amount off terriers/lurchers/hounds and then maybe a wee callout would be on the agenda !!!!

What's your views on this ???

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by april its gonna be law to license your dog ,is it really mate,ive heard feck all,my dogs are microchipped and im afraid thats as far as it goes,no fecking way am i giving the government anymore of

you can bet when they count the figures of dogs in the country it will be about 32 no 1 in there right mind is going to do that, ie, there you go have my dough

i'll go with that craigy i can remember when the dog licence was about 11p there were more latch key dogs floating about than in the for sale section on here

by april its gonna be law to license your dog :icon_eek: ,is it really mate,ive heard feck all,my dogs are microchipped and im afraid thats as far as it goes,no fecking way am i giving the government anymore of my hard earned,they can stick their dog license up their arse, i feed,exercise,house and clean up after my dogs,i dont need a fecking license for it :thumbs:

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you can bet when they count the figures of dogs in the country it will be about 32 :laugh:

no 1 in there right mind is going to do that, ie, there you go have my dough :thumbs:

i wouldnt bank on it mate,the world is full of cocks who will think its a good idea :thumbs:

i'll go with that :yes: craigy

i can remember when the dog licence was about 11p :laugh: there were more latch key dogs floating about than in the for sale section on here :laugh::thumbs:

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Likewise, I micro-chip my dogs and attend to very welfare requirement they may have, including a good standard of training, good food, regular exercise etc etc etc.

I pay more than enough in taxes and don't fancy paying more for the privilege of keeping the dogs I already have. :nono:

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As far as im aware theres no intentions of bring back the dog licence, the rspca have been trying to

get it brought back with the backing of the bmp, but most of the goverment know its not worth it

it never worked before so what would make it work this time, seeing as if they did bring it back

the fee per dog would be between 20-30 quid a year, how many would pay that if they have more than a couple of dogs,

i woudnt be able to for a start, it would end up with even more dogs dumped or found dead.


As far as i know these are the latest talks on it, its mostly to do with the dangerous dog act/ dog controal bill

but there is talks about microchipping becomeing compulsary, which to be honist i think would be a good thing,

least it would stop most people just dumping their dogs.


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What a load of shite. Started reading that and got bored about 3 lines in.


Wouldn't pay for a dog license, what a joke. Just another way to get money out of us. Next it will be ferret license, cat, hamster and then they'll want a license for the spiders in your house!

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What a load of shite. Started reading that and got bored about 3 lines in.


Wouldn't pay for a dog license, what a joke. Just another way to get money out of us. Next it will be ferret license, cat, hamster and then they'll want a license for the spiders in your house!

Maybe a load off shit were your from, though from April were I live it's going to be law !!! If you got bored 2-3 lines in you would have been safer off leaving it at that because your comment was a load off shite.

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first i have heard of a liscense.f**k when i was a kid it was pennys and folk still didnt bother thier arse.i suspect its another get rich quick scheme from the goverment.how many dog owners in the country?lets say a mandatory 50quid fine for not having a liscence.thats a lot of money.makes you sick.id like to meet the b*****ds who sits in an office thinking this stuff up.you can almost hear them in that office.

"erm how can we squeeze more money out of stupid gullible joe public"!

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new one on me, the old licenses were scrapped because nobody bothered with them and were virtually impossible to police. athough when linked to a chip it becomes a computorised money printing machine, sold under the guise of animal welfare. :hmm: no chip,no license,no worries :thumbs:

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Maybe should of left it at that. You enjoy paying your license then. I'll no be paying one. Make sure you count te spiders in your house for an accurate bill.


Who the fcuk is going to read the whole of that? Hon. Smith Said....... Councillor jones said........ Then councillor jones laughed at councillor Evans and said........ Who replied......... Which got a laugh from councillor Craig. Etc. Bit of an

Over exaggeration but nobody gives a sh't. Only care about the outcome. We pay enough in taxes to compensate a dog license.







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Maybe should of left it at that. You enjoy paying your license then. I'll no be paying one. Make sure you count te spiders in your house for an accurate bill.


Who the fcuk is going to read the whole of that? Hon. Smith Said....... Councillor jones said........ Then councillor jones laughed at councillor Evans and said........ Who replied......... Which got a laugh from councillor Craig. Etc. Bit of an

Over exaggeration but nobody gives a sh't. Only care about the outcome. We pay enough in taxes to compensate a dog license.

Obviously you didn't read it all because I stated I wouldn't be paying for it !!!! Would have saved you making a prick out off yourself, some cocks on here!!

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