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A few pics from Monday

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I got up at usual time for school but i didn't need to go because i am doing my prelims at the moment and i didn't have any to day so it was a bit pointless going just 2 watch DVDs al day. well anyway i decided to go ferreting for a couple of hours at a local place there are not many rabbits at it but least am out the house. I took my new lurcher pup Finn and my terrier molly. as i got to the permission there is a long hedgerow which dose't have wholes but rabbits like to hide in it for cover. so i let the terrier off but kept the pup on the lead to show what was going on. molly bushed a few rabbits in to a strip wood but i wanted to ferret a mound sort of thing with a lot of wholes and it is not very deep. As i got to the bit i wanted to ferret i let the terrier to mark the wholes and she gave a pretty strong mark and started to dig. so i put her the lead and netted most of the wholes. then i stuck the ferrets in and let the terrier of the lead again and waited to her some thing going on. then we started to hear some thumping it was pretty loud and you could feel under your feet so i stepped back and waited for sum action but after 10 mins still nothing. so got the locater out and found the ferrets it was at 2 and half feet so started digging and molly wouldn't come away from a whole and tried to get down as far as she could and she started to whine and cry so it must of been between me and her. i finally i broke through and there it was the rabbit and the 2 ferrets the rabbit was still half a live. so i necked it and seen if there was any more but there was nothing else . so stuck the ferrets down again and herd nothing and the ferrets came back out so i boxed them and started to pack the nets up again but molly kept on digging an other whole so i dug the whole a bit bigger so she could fit down and she went down the whole. At one point i couldn't see her so i shouted on her and she came back out so there must of been a rabbit round about there but i left it and went up the road because it started to rain a bit hers a few pics alb DarylGEDC1339.jpgGEDC1349.jpgGEDC1356.jpgGEDC1357.jpg



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