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springer and shooting sticks....

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Hi Smitd,


I wouldnt go wasting money on sticks anyway. Best make a set yourself as per this vid,



Cost me less than a fiver to do mine.


Regarding using them with a springer, I have never tried. I would imagine that if you rested your hand on top of the sticks, and your rifle in your hand, this would give best results. Letting the rifle recoil the same each time is the key, a nice loose hold works best for me.





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No reason not to use a set of sticks with a springer, as long as you rest the actual gun on your hand, using the same hold each time. The only problem would be to try and rest the gun directly on the sticks, where the level of support would be different depending on length of stick, surface etc.

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As said, if you cushion the rifle with your hand on the sticks and allow it to recoil unhindered, then it should be accurate. Obviously resting a springer directly onto a hard surface is going to lead to groups like a shotgun.


Personally, I'd practise the FT stances - sitting, kneeling and standing (and hft supported stances) til you're as accurate as possible. I reckon its less faff in the long run than carrying sticks around with you.


All the best



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Good easy way to make a shooting stick if you make the insulation a little longer on the gun location point theres no need to put you hand under a springer if you dont tape it the foam will take the recoil, i've shot with a HW80 since 1979 and never had any problems with shooting from a rest position

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