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Un believable

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I tell you mate this Country will lay down for anything and welcome anyone from anywhere with open arms, what the fucks wrong with people in this country with more voteing in Favour! it just goes to prove London has a larger ethnics minority than true Britsh citizens :censored:.


My old Grandad who fought for this country must be turning in his grave....

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  Berkutchi said:
This is a Christian country! :big_boss: ,if you preech Christianity in a Muslim country like Saudi Arabia you get locked up!!!


we should do vicer versa! ;)

here here

nutters all want to blow us all up

cool avatar nelson, looks like my mum :hmm:

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Guest ceredigion bull cross
  foxdropper said:
:censored: Should be spending 100 million on transporting the feckers back home . :censored:

never mind sending the feckers back home............bullets are cheaper :clapper:

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Too late to send em back this land is infested with the dirty ****s, its like a cancer that has spread without control for the past 50 years. We welcome anyone here,today i heard some labour politician on the wireless crowing about how they had sorted the asylum seekers problem and how there was hardly any asylum seekers coming in, he never said that they sorted it by allowing any c*** in to come and stay.

I am not racist and i genuinely dont believe that we are better than anyone else, but i dont want them here,white,black yellow or F****** green dont come here.

Sorry if this offends anyone but thats my opinion.

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