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Increasing mole damage,but no funds available for control measures !

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im sure you will steve,.trap ain't as successful here as you thought it would become i guess,,. nice to have a sole distributor like kill germ only to find pro trapper4r and few others selling them to

farmers are raking it in , the price of cattle and sheep is sky high,go and work for them as they are well known for spending money

We do gopher and mole control on a couple of cemeteries, with the vast majority of the damage being caused by gophers. This place was 120 acres of gopher mounds, we took over 2,000 gophers off this p

I know for a fact that pre-2006,the majority of golf courses in my part of the world,were well catered for by ' the man with his poisoned worms '.This is why i didnt have many.Since then most of the greenkeepers have tried to tackle it themselves.Many of them only manage to catch the odd one,therefore its not kept on top of,so the mole damage gets worse every season.Very occasionally though,youll find a greenkeeper who has the 'knack' and excels at it !( no chance of a job here ! )I think ive probably ' missed the boat ' and should have tried to get in there roundabout the 08-09 period.( theyve had too much time to practise, LOL )

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I only charge £5 per mole, it is the normal price up here. My two main places, i do not charge a call out fee as they are my permissions and i go their most days anyway. The moles are relentless here at the mo, i seem to have traps down constantly.

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Have you tried pro trapper for steves traps?I have just ordered ten from there,around here the farmers frown at £5 a mole,saying that some do,some dont they seem to want to pay around £3.50 to £4.50 but thats not viable somtimes with the travelling

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Actually just got another farm to mole trap this afternoon. I do volunteer (dont get payed) trapping grey squirrels to save the red's. Went to set some traps at a new place and through conversation with the farmer, and the fact i do the greys for free, the farmer asked if i would do his moles :thumbs:

I was recommnded by a different farmer i also do the greys for. Sometimes doing things for less leads to more ;)

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Well I don't sell them direct to Pro-Trapper. But I do sell through a lot of different re-sellers here in the states, and I don't always know where the traps will wind up for sale. And I agree that with shipping, import duties, retail markup, and VAT, our traps are expensive in the UK. We might sell direct to the UK again at some point, but no immediate plans to go that route.

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And I agree that with shipping, import duties, retail markup, and VAT, our traps are expensive in the UK. We might sell direct to the UK again at some point

If you agree the mark-up is exorbitant(And it IS),and your also contemplating selling to UK-direct again,well,no time like the present Steve :victory:

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  On 20/11/2011 at 21:00, Steve Albano said:

Well I don't sell them direct to Pro-Trapper. But I do sell through a lot of different re-sellers here in the states, and I don't always know where the traps will wind up for sale. And I agree that with shipping, import duties, retail markup, and VAT, our traps are expensive in the UK. We might sell direct to the UK again at some point, but no immediate plans to go that route.

im sure you will steve,.trap ain't as successful here as you thought it would become i guess,,. nice to have a sole distributor like kill germ only to find pro trapper4r and few others selling them to .so not the monopoly you would have hoped for maybe,plus the fact the duffus got a huge fan base etc,, anyway if i was you i would sell them at about £3 each,OK lot less than now but more sales = more turn over = more revenue etc,, best sell lots at lower rate than few at higher rate . ;)

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It depends on several factors.

Your the one inside the box steve,you know your sales and profits,but from outside the box our perspective is the KG price is ripping the arse out of it,no sour-grapes for KG they have to make a profit but does it have to be so much :icon_eek: Please be sure to let us know if you decide to sell direct to UK customers again because no matter how good your product is on principle some people wont buy them from KG because of the exhorbitant mark-up.

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