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Saluki bull greyhound

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got this cross saluki grey bull grey 1st x to first x he is 27tts can turn on a sixpence has done all game day/night single handed although i would say there are better crosses for daytime work,good lampers in my eyes has plenty of speed and stamina can bag decent numbers of rabbits best up to now 27,he is 2yr old now

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Niether am I .....any animal can be made to sicken no matter what type of animal it is we all know that .....its like saying you could take a bull cross to ground that holds plenty of hares and kill

no u can get done 4 run them u bad lad

Im talking from my experience mate not every bull x is thick but a good percentage of straight bull greys is imo, i dont mean totally brain dead just there running style not trying to cut quarry off o

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