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dog opening up advice

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i had the same problem with my dog when i started to lamp with him he was yapping every now and again he was about 12 month old


try taking him out with the ferrets and get him a few kills by bolting the bunnys after my dog had a few regular mouth fulls he stoped the yapping when out lamping



Don't quite see why ferreted bunnies would help as opposed to lamped bunnies? Surely lamped bunnies on favourable ground for the dog are much easier to catch than bolted ones, therefore the increased catches and success would tell you sooner if the problem is solvable?




A rabbit running away from home is easier to catch than one which is running for home: think about it............rabbit bolts from ferret, and unless there is another warren very close by it will be running scared, thinking about what it is running away from rather than where it is running to. Makes it easier for the dog. Rabbit running for home on the lamp is on its 'home' run, knows exactly where it is going: much harder for dog.


Has to be said though, bolting from ferrets only works if you have open warrens in the middle of nowhere: doesn't work so well along hedgerows where the rabbit can do a slalom in and out of hedge or if it makes a beeline for a wood which isn't too far away. Rabbits always run for cover if there is any.


I know what your saying Penny but i'd still prefer to try a suitable night and find a field with long grass and slip my dog on those than have it wait around on a warren winding itself up only to see some bunnies bolt and go to ground 10 yeards away, as you say finding a suitable warren where rabbits will afford a decent run can be hard, especially around here........

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ally i have seen many yappers as pups or dogs not quite simply getting out enough

tell your friend to give him a couple of real long slips to take some of the freshness out of him

lamp him three or four times a week for a few weeks also on his own with no other dog around

if that does not work give him a fox on lamp even if your mate does not like working fox all the better

as some times the yaping will stop on rabbit but move to when dog is on fox

if the dog is yaping in a straight line all the time its going to be hard

but if he is only doing it on turns with a couple of yaps then it will solve its self out with work dont worry

to be honest if a young dog for me gives the odd yap i know he is at least commited and all the dogs grow out of it



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you say the dog hasnt worked in 10mths? is the dog fit fit? not just walking fit? could also just be keen for the catch? get him working, nice easy slips and gradually build them up, seen dogs yap through sheer frustration at not having the lungs for a few slips, its ok having the speed for the kill but it also needs the lungs to keep going! :thumbs:


agree with this, it sounds like a mix of keenness and frustration. my old dog started to yap when he was getting on a bit- frustration at not being able to catch what he'd once been able to. if this dog was catching regular ten months ago, then stopped, it's not going to be as fit, but it'll remember that it used to be.

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i would work him but on nothing to hard let him get half a dozen caches or even to easy ones then stop if hees done well progress for a few weeeks if he stil yaps on easy nites thats his nature breeding, all the best , saw ayou bitch do it once but once it rea;ised no big deal that was that , calmed down ,

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one of the lads took on a free dog the other week he brought it out the other night its two yrs old now ran the first rabbit ok second one fine caught the second and on the third and fourth he had a few yapps its not speed related as the dog went on to catch the third and fourth rabbit just wondering can you work yapping out of a dog as hes not in the game of getting rid of dogs its his now for good but would be a absolute cracker if it didnt sound at all


have any of you lads had a dog that you have sucessfully stopped yapping or even had a dog that yapped that just stopped yapping


has anyone tried anything to stop a dog yapping with any specific methods like

any suggestions are appreciated

was it yapping on the straight or just giving a bit of a yap on the turn because if it didn't on the 1st and 2nd run it doesn't seem like it the norm it might have got a slight injury that was affecting it when turning

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