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pretty rubbish day!

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today was a bit rubbish! up at 7 for a 8 start cause i was ferrting at some ones house and i dident t whant to disturbe them early in the morning. well in the day i ferreted about 5 warrens and bagged 7 rabbits and 2 got away cause they got in the net and just got out i was to slow :( but it was a very slow day the ferrets decided to stay down the holes for ages!! they dident even kill any rabbits down they cause i had my ferret finder and they where constantly on the move and woudlent come out!! hopefully next week end should be better :)

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at least the ferrets were working by the sounds of what you said and not just wandering about on top,he was working deep by the sounds of it but getting the run about,how big was the sets and how many ferrets,or noise up top might of spooked them to stay down,still seven a good bag.

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