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any smaller and they would go to ground like terriers rather than running dogs lol,


Ay whin get your name down for a pup, before there all booked lol.

Here did I not hear you got you shite kicked in and you ran away crying I think its thing like this gets you into bother mate so you know what to do

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I prefer to go by my self. I do sometimes go with a mate who knows the score about lamping. If i ever took out a novice i would very strongly but still friendly and politely read them the riot act re

twos company any more and i would just stay at home or go local on me own .nowt worse than idiots spoiling the night its idiots that normally get you caught if your poaching

yess i prefer going on my own or with my other pals like kx100 who no what they are doing

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your quick to judge my dogs but they have caught more than just rabbits and mor than you thinkand iv had people of this site see what me dogs are cappable of so just shut up

you and your dogs seem to be doing o.k from what i can gather. keep at it :thumbs:

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