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bitch in pup not eating

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Some bitches can be really picky when they are in whelp: one of mine would only eat whole rabbit carcase the entire time she was in whelp. Once she had pups she ate anything in sight.


I guess she knew what her body wanted at the time. Try chicken carcase, or breast of lamb: ribs, bones and all. It is important to get a natural source of calcium into a bitch when she is growing pups inside her. It won't kill her if she eats nothing but chicken carcases or lamb ribs for the entire pregnancy, but I wouldn't feed tinned food: all water and additives and bugger all else worth mentioning. Raw minced beef and tripe is good, but the carcases are best. Try and get her eating a mixture of natural things. Don't try and get her to eat more by offering her lots of different things. I don't feed my bitches extra until they have whelped: fat bitches don't whelp so easily, and they don't need a lot more food until they are feeding their pups.

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my bitch went the same she has always eaten dry food but then she was not touching it! i started giving her tinned sardiens in sun flower oil ova the dry food she started eating again! just after she gives birth watch for lack calcium that is horrible to see. atb with them and hore every thing goes ok

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once the pups are born we always give our bitchs calcium 5ml in the morning and 5ml at night and carry on with this until the pups are 6 weeks old , the time to watch for calcium defiincy is in the second to third week look for restlessness twitching and the shakes

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