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Out for a couple of hours

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Me and paul went out for a few hours today around near the cematery. We went to do a burrow at the side of the road that I would of bet money on rabbits being home. Anyway, netted up about half a dozen holes, entered 2 ferrets and nothing home, we could really do with a dog for marking.

I was gutted because my grans buried in this cemetery and a last Saturday I took £15 of flowers down to her grave and by the following morning there was just stalks left. I really thought we would have had half a dozen out of this set by the road but nothing.

Paul found another 3 holer a few yards down the bank side which looked used so we netted this up and the same happened, no one home.

We carried on and found quite a large set with about 15 holes, it was very overgrown on one side with a big pile of cut down trees and rubble. We netted up the holes we could see and put another two ferrets in, got one straight away. Another one bolted from a hole in the pile of rubbish that we had missed and another one slipped a net that got snagged. At least we got one.

We spotted another burry on the other side of fence so we netted it up and put two ferrets down, I heard some thumping and a big rat slipped through the net followed by a rabbit. Rabbit dealt with, net back on and things went quiet for ten minutes, suddenly another rabbit in the net.

As we were about to go home we stopped to check another few sets on the other side of the road to see if the cover had died down enough for next time, as we walked up the path with the 20g hushpower I shot another rabbit.

Altogether 4 in the bag, not as many as I had hoped but planning to hammer it when the cover has died off, there is still sets we can't get to until the cover has gone down.

Edited by THE GRIFF
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Interesting, and I know how you feel. I have a few permissions I have been doing to recently that have between 2-8 hole sets on them, and usually loads of bunnies, but although plenty of rabbits seen, at night, very little bolting during the day. Even the ones I am bolting from bracken, heather and bent, are not going to ground.

I can only assume it has something to do with warm weather.

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