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Hi rescued a whippet today, its fat as pig and really unfit, the fitness thing is not a problem long walks and bits of work should sort that! my question is should i feed all at once or spilt into a few meals per day???


looking forward to getting this dog back on track, some so called lurcher men should be shot at birth, the dog smelled like dirty skunk!! full of worms!!


so 2 warm baths, a good brush frontlined and wormed nice 7mile walk bit of dinner out for another 2 miles, nice meaty lamb bone for tea.



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If the dog has been overfed, and you've only just got it, I'd feed two small meals per day. Feeding more often will help to stop it feeling hungry if its on a diet, and help to speed up the metabolism a bit too. I'd ditch any carbs for the moment: feed meat and bone with not too much fat, and plenty of minced veg to help the dog feel fuller.

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Hi mate,


do you not think that if it's fat and unfit 9miles walk a day might be a tad too much

Might be a bit better to start off with smaller walks, then build up.(just my opinion)

Well done on you for taking the dog on, keep us posted how it gets on.



Cheers Pernod.

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Thanks Skycat will do that, Pernod i see what you mean, but the dog had been worked but not walked if you no what i mean! just left in pen then taken out once twice a week for lamping!


will keep posting of her progress



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Agree with Pernod: missed that bit! Lead walking is fine, but not loose, hunting up, running about for that distance. I'd stick to maximum of 4 miles on the lead at the moment. With a bit of luck the dog won't already have f*cked up tendons and muscles from being run on the lamp fat and unfit.


Read my article on conditioning in the Articles section on here.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well 2 week have passed and the dog is looking lots better, have since found out she a whippet x collie x grey back to a whippet so not as fat as first thought maybe just a little over weight and unfit, but really coming on well only ever use a lead near roads, use's her nose all the time fingers cross she will take to my ferrets in time and a bit of lamping.



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  • 5 weeks later...

just to fin the story dog in tip top shape now, been out ferreting a few times let her hold rabbits in the nets, her first lamping trip will be after xmas, somewhere open as this mut will run though anything to get rabbits lol.

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