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Liver and kidneys


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Managed a quick look out this morning as the kids stayed out last night and the missus has shot off to Manchester for the weekend, I took the dogs and a couple of ferrets, purse nets ect and had a walk around the woods above a farm local to me.

Within 50 yrds of parking the terrier marked well around an old tree, netted up about 10 holes and put this years jill in, 5 mins the rumble began and a good bolt resulted in a well neted rabbit with the ferret right behind, I'm pleased with her so far, I still put an experianced hob through just to check and she had bolted the only occupant. Picked up the nets and moved on, the terrier marked another set of about 10 holes spread accross about 50 yrds netted up and ferret in but nothing out, the ferret showed at every hole but still nothing out after about 30 mins of this I picked up and cursed the dog for a false mark. She's normally good so I wonder if one had gone through the set when we arrived or the dog just had a bad one we'll never know.

Within 5 mins both dogs were marking well around a rotten stump which had a few holes around it once netted I put the hob in and almost straight away the rumbling bgan the dogs were following the underground race backwards and forwards along the stump then it went quiet. Out with the locator and I got a mark about 6 ft out from the stump and at 3 ft deep I started to dig and broke through to find a pretty lifeless rabbit and fired up ferret that was it as I had ran out of time as I had to be back for the kids.

On gutting the rabbits it struck me the amount of fat through them they were really healthy, not one to waste much.when I got home the liver and kidneys were fried up in butter with shallots and garlic and served on doorstep toast, my mum was late for work as she couldn't leave the smell, it was a lovely little lunch and it's rabbit saddle for tea, happy days.

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Liver & Kidneys mate not for me :bad: :DMind you I'd have a go if they were deep fat fried like a good nutritional KFC :D


Good write up mate





Cheers mate


I hated liver and kidneys as a kid tried some venison liver last year and liked it, but the rabbit ones were really, nice not too strong. Not sure if they could rank alongside the mighty KFC though :laugh:




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