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Trial befor you buy

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1 thing i wont tell people is that the parents of my pups are the best in the world ill leave how good the parent are upto them if they want to see them work the sires 5 year old has been killing foxes since he was a year old dams around 8year old both have never let me down and suit me there only as good as there last fox

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Ok bit of a controversial subject this one that needs a bit more scrutiny. There's been a lot of comments made about seeing the parents work before you buy. Now there will be some lucky devils that

you hit the nail squarely on the head pure luck, mind abit of homework would help

i have done exactly what you said an its worked an its failed so yes it is a bit of a lottery but there is higher chance of winning the lottery with that pup than any old pup out the admag an all bec

1 thing i wont tell people is that the parents of my pups are the best in the world ill leave how good the parent are upto them if they want to see them work the sires 5 year old has been killing foxes since he was a year old dams around 8year old both have never let me down and suit me there only as good as there last fox


That's one way to look at it what will you do when it's time for your dogs to hang up their spurs?

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you by of proven parent who do whats on the tin any body with half a brain can see agood stamp of a dog , wouldnt dream of bying of non working dogs , as there no piont when there decent working dogs about , and the pick of the litter isnt the best believe me , saw half adozen pups in some lits and they all catch game , so that fallacy pick of the litter doesnt with stand with generaitions of working animals or wouldnt be worth breeding of full stop

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Whin , old chap , please take a couple of minutes to read your post through , throw in a couple of commas , maybe the odd full stop.

After all it,s only good manners to make a bit of an effort to ensure your posts are legible to the rest of us , ATB

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picking a young pup out of a litter is a bit of a lottery as other than colour and condition theres nothing to go on pick of the litter really boils down to having first pick nothing else .one litter i bred i just ended up keeping the last one left its the bitch in my avater and she ended up a cracker and really good bitch day and night on all quarry .

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Does anyone else see a correllation between price and believability?


I only have one dog and she's my first so not a lot to go on but i'd believe the lad/lass selling a £50 pup which is obviously well reared about what the parents do and they bred to keep one themselves and just selling surplus pups, no profit in it just recovering what they've laid out.

Someone selling £200+ pups is more for profit instead of covering costs, to me i'd suspect they were making up the parents abilities to get the cash, often they have no intention of keeping one themselves so the only reason for breeding was ££££ :hmm:

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Pick of the litter? How do you work out which is the pick of the litter? One man's pick might be another man's reject. Many years ago I bred a litter of nice rough coated all round type of lurchers. One dog pup didn't stand out: he was the quietest, the shyest, and he was 15 weeks old when I finally found him the right home: I'd settled on keeping him by then, but the right bloke came along and that pup turned out to a really good all round dog: mostly rabbits and foxes with the odd other things when the opportunity arose.


I've never rejected a pup because it was the last left to go. As long as it is well made, healthy etc. OK, some pups do just stand out, but the others in the litter might turn out better in the right hands.

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i have a bitch here myself out on trial .She is only 13 months old a bit young to get a proper look at but she is supposidly well bred.I didn see the parents but the lad i got her off is genuine and i take his word for it.The way i see it is that i aint handed over any money for her and she will go straight back if she dont suit so whats the harm in tryin her.People say you get what you put in but fcuk me not every dog has the minerals or is put together right .Some dogs just wont make the grade .no matter who has the dog but the flip side of that is some wankers will make a balls out of a good prospect.Just my opinion on the matter folks

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