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runts what your opinion

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should be know different if they catch up with the rest of the litter and do not carry any internal or external deformitys, the bitch will usually shoves them away after birth and will only clean them up after the rest of the litter has been born. if its a big litter they will suffer, as there unable to compete with the rest. in smaller litters this isnt the case, me personally i will cull runts rather than taking the chance of a slower more painfull outcome.

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With a mixture of breeds in the average lurcher,is it a runt,or more likely to have thrown to part of its hidden ancestry.Ive seen size variations of 21" to 27" out of the same litter.

exactley it could be a throwback, my experiance with runts / grecks is that they may be smaller but most of the time they end up being spot on in lurchers and well game in terriers, but obviusley you need to keep your eye on them when their pups for a few weeks

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My 1/2x bitch is the runt of litter she is 23tts & made good,me & my mother hand reared her as she was not suckling tidy but she's 6yr old now & never let me down she's game as they come she never takes step back she gives 110% every time & doesn't make a murmur when taking stuff with teeth,so from my experience I can't fault a runt!!! Atb cbx

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