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June meet 2012 in Nottingham (who is interested?)

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Just to add my humble and sincerest thanks to Davy, Si and Chas, and to everyone else involved for putting together such a memorable and wonderfully enjoyable weekend of shooting. Absolutely fantastic

Roger, you have nothing to be hung up about your shooting ability mate, no one is gonna laugh or take the pi**, we're more likely to pitch in and help you improve mate!!   Can I also just say of the

What a brilliant weekend,to Si,Davy,Chaz and all who helped organize this years T.H.L meet very well done .Was good to put a face to a name,all top lads/lassies.Defo be going to next years ,will bring

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Just got back from A & M Custom Gunsmiths (which i found was 10min away from my house) after dropping my S10 off (previous owners had been a little naughty with the regulator)


I think if you badgered Adi enough he will come to the meet :laugh: he is already considering a flying visit, i even offerd to drive him :thumbs: .






P . S Daaaaaaamn that man knows his guns!

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Hope the weather is better than it as been today in Nottingham.


I have been soaked all day getting ready for tomorrow.


Mindya the amount of squizzers, woodies and magpies Ive seen in the centre grounds have been very pleasing :yes:.


I'm sure if one of them comes to visit us over the weekend I may have to feed it 14.3 grain of prime cut Accupell :whistling: .



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Hope the weather is better than it as been today in Nottingham.


I have been soaked all day getting ready for tomorrow.


Mindya the amount of squizzers, woodies and magpies Ive seen in the centre grounds have been very pleasing :yes:.


I'm sure if one of them comes to visit us over the weekend I may have to feed it 14.3 grain of prime cut Accupell :whistling: .




What time can i come to help set up Si - im free all day friday





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You will need to phone me when you get to the centre as will everyone I suspect or if you haven't got my mobile number you will have to press the buzzer for assistance from the centre staff.


Ill pm you my personal mobile number Adam.



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Does any one have a can of Green Gas I could borrow to try out this TM Beretta Military Blowback sometime over the weekend?



hi Tony

i will have plenty of green gas,but it wont be in a can :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


That's okay buddy, if your wearing that dress I'll wait till you bend down to fill the magazine :angel: Im sure there will be some NBC suits around somewhere to enable a safe filling :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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I'll be there from 0900 hrs with LJ.


At this rate we will be shooting a lot in the indoor range.


Better bring the darts partner.


The weather today as been bad here water wise.


If lads have got POP up tents then they can put them up in the big hall if they want privacy or just bring a roll mat or camp bed and put that up.


As my LJ is with me we will be putting up our POP up in the hall for kipping.


Don't forget to bring your targets if you have any to help make the plinking range good.



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I'll be there from 0900 hrs with LJ.


At this rate we will be shooting a lot in the indoor range.


Better bring the darts partner.


The weather today as been bad here water wise.


If lads have got POP up tents then they can put them up in the big hall if they want privacy or just bring a roll mat or camp bed and put that up.


As my LJ is with me we will be putting up our POP up in the hall for kipping.


Don't forget to bring your targets if you have any to help make the plinking range good.




I've just dug out a set of four Knockdown Rams, Buffallow or whatever they are that I'll bring :)

I'll be kipping outdoors whatever the weather :D Don't want to disturb people with the noise these polyps in my sinuses and narrowed nasal passages make me produce when I'm sleeping! :icon_redface: Apparently I can shatter glass and eardrums! Even though I've never heard myself :huh:



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