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Hunting Advice

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right guys ive been doing a bit of rabbit shooting over the years but nothing too serious. however ive now just got some permission thats heaving with rabbits! this is no exaggeration; i put the headlights on a field the other day and there was easily 100+ rabbits down one hedgerow! its an ornamental garden and the owners were near selling the land because of the problem. now for the question . . . im used to hunting bunnies with lurhcers on the lamp but im now up at uni so ive just got my s200 with me. whats the best way of knocking over large numbers? im a good enough shot to take headshots every time up to a good 40 yards and the normal way i hunt is to stalk around but this never produces large numbers back home. whats your opinion guys? lay and wait in cover at a place i know a large amount of rabbits to come out, stalk them, or just wait untill dark and have a go on the lamp? and another question, if im laying in cover do i go and pick up what ive shot as soon as ive shot it or do i leave it there and wait for more to come out? alot of questions i know, but any help will be much appreciated.



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lay in wait with night vision would be best but failing that if they aint used to being shot at just lay still within range and you should get the numbers down pretty quick and when they wise to that start with the lamp and then the lamp with coloured filters. if there is 100 thats only 10 a sesh 10 times.

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I remember when I started on a piece of virgin land, I just got laid up 30ish yards from the warrens, looking towards them.

Could cover a fair few at a time. Funny the first day, dozens out, sat around munching the grass in little groups of three or more!

Aim, breath, chlick phut Crack, over one went, other two just looked as if to say "Taking a nap there Fred?" again second one laid down others looked "You an all mertyle?"

Had 7 before they got the message that something wasn't quite right with all the sleepy ones :laugh:


Set yourself up nice and comfortable and hit em sniper style til they get the message, then reposition another day/night and continue :yes:

Thats how I got my nickname :thumbs:



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thanks for all the advice guys, im going out to check the land out tomorow afternoon so im guna lay and wait untill dark then lamp and see how the bunnies react, should be a good day, ill let you know how it goes. with regards to jocky, is telford too far to travel? ive always wanted to do some work with ferrets! if its not too far, the lands ok and the landowners fine with it i might just take u up on that offer ;)

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