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Good Ferreting dogs

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great read lads keep it up whin you should be ashamed of charging young lad only greedy fools do that. take him out and let him learn for free thats how alot of us learned cheers danny

Fecking get over yourself matt a young lad asking for a day out and you want to charge him your whats wrong in the dog world these days you have an over inflated opinion of yourself and everything to

iceman your right catching a bolter is important,, but most quik dogs can,,, its not just marking either,, its the following round of the action underground,, its as if there talking to you,, cos they

here you go some bits of film i put up yesterday,, of a bitch i think is usfull



great clips tomo keep them coming iv been reading some of simos comments this last couple days and i think this site is starting to get to him he could be in the middle of a breakdown

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You never see good dogs for sale full stop.


But you see more lamp dogs for sale than ferreting dogs, as it's more 'in vogue' (lamping), bit more of a fashion these days, with folk getting into it and out of it all the time.

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I think lads that use dogs for ferreting get more of a bond with the dog and if its a good ferreting dog would be like loosing their right arm getting rid of it pluss more time and effort is put into this type of dog rather than just a point and slip dog.

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if you have a young dog first 6 7 months rabbiting he learns alot to stay close respect sheep ferrets at times under control , then its time to move up a gear i think thats why i have done well with saluks etc as all round hunting dog , i had pup out at three months she was [bANNED TEXT] in on act when rabbit hit net and she learnt ferrets can bite if not given respect ,good lesson

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the way I see it....the people who ruin dogs and are swapping dogs every two minutes aren't interested in putting the time into ferreting or bringing on a ferreting dog. They get a dog, car and lamp and off they go, then when dog is ruined because they haven't put the time into learning the sport or bringing the dog on properly they get rid and get another one.


The fly-by-nights don't go ferreting because it's too much work, too much knowledge is needed to actually catch something, the need for permission is more important, you don't need a hard looking dog to go ferreting, the list goes on and on.....


I'm not saying that people who go lamping are like that, what I'm saying is that people who ARE like that usually go lamping, not ferreting.

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i think youre readin to much old darcy and plummer books lol 12345 ,most of my mates look after the jukels , the ones that dont well dont entertain them ,,you cant sterotype people on a net 12345 i no what you are saying but its not always the case

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i think youre readin to much old darcy and plummer books lol 12345 ,most of my mates look after the jukels , the ones that dont well dont entertain them ,,you cant sterotype people on a net 12345 i no what you are saying but its not always the case

I think I know what you're saying............and I stand by what I said.


Loads of decent people go lamping, loads of decent people go ferreting. Not that many chavs go ferreting, but plenty of chavs go lamping.....you don't agree with that?

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dont no as i dont assosaite with chavs there not a chav culture up here , i would say more go beating than have running dogs ,you must live near a chave culture ,i wouldnt involve daffties or chave to the game as its not a holiday camp

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