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Starter shotgun

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Lads just looking for some advice on what would be a good starter shotgun.


I'd be shooting feather and bunnies. Whilst I'm looking for a starter shotgun I would like some quality and not something that I will need to change after a year.

I could probably stretch to about €1000.

Also if any one could recommend decent dealers in Leinster that would be great. I have heard East Coast Dog & Gun is fairly decent.


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I'm not sure what gun prices are like in Ireland but for that sort of money over here you could certainly buy yourself a really nice second hand gun.

I am a Brwoning man personally as I find that they fit me nicely and generally point in the dirrection I am looing!

For the sort of money you have to second I would look at Berreta's, Brownings, Miruku (same as a Browning but a bit cheaper). If you buy a good second hand gun it will last you for ever and a few years down the line if you look after it you will probably get what you paid for it.

Or for the money there are plenty of new guns from cheaper manufacturers.


The best advice is to go and handle a few in the shop and see what comes up best for your shape and size.



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I'm not sure what gun prices are like in Ireland but for that sort of money over here you could certainly buy yourself a really nice second hand gun.



The best advice is to go and handle a few in the shop and see what comes up best for your shape and size.





As above. And my choice would be to buy a semi auto , especially if the gun is going to be used for bird and rabbit shooting as you have stated.


The gun i opted for is a 3.5'' winchester sx3 12g , and i can tell you that it performs faultlessly. The recoil on the gun is hardly felt and i have never had a mis feed either.


Compared to the Beretta's , Benelli's and other big names , the Winchester sx3 is good value for money even when you buy new , and i can assure you the sx3 is every bit as reliable in every way too.


The only downside in buying an autoloader is if you intend to do a lot of clay pigeon shooting. There are many clubs around that still frown on the semi auto due to the carts being expelled from the gun at quite a fast pace. This is not a problem for me however because i never break clays , i just hunt.


Hope you are happy with what you eventually choose ,


John :thumbs:




Edited by mjr88
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buy what you want your pocket is your limit but i shoot with a baikal over and under game gun, and i shoot with lads who have spent a lot of money on the more quality makes. I cant see a difference its the bloke that points the gun that makes the difference.


Remember as well on a rough shoot or bolting rabbits with ferrets if you have to keep putting the gun down would you really want to treat an expensive gun that way?


Next up would be a bettinsoli then up to a browning and on upwards to a purdey when you win the lottery :0)


enjoy the buying and ask as many questions as you can


Good luck

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