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so much for the tories gonna be tough on immigration

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As I said around the time of the Tories original tough on immigration rhetoric, I don't believe it for one second. The masters of the Tory party, just like and in many cases the same people as the masters of New Labour want large scale immigration in the UK. A steady supply of hard working, non unionised, long hours working, minimum wage, pleased to be here immigrants. Why? To keep up corporate profits, bonuses and keep the wages of the plebs down. Not to mention propping up the slumlords 'empires' living ten, fifteen or twenty to a hovel.

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  On 08/11/2011 at 14:38, PeakOil said:

As I said around the time of the Tories original tough on immigration rhetoric, I don't believe it for one second. The masters of the Tory party, just like and in many cases the same people as the masters of New Labour want large scale immigration in the UK. A steady supply of hard working, non unionised, long hours working, minimum wage, pleased to be here immigrants. Why? To keep up corporate profits, bonuses and keep the wages of the plebs down. Not to mention propping up the slumlords 'empires' living ten, fifteen or twenty to a hovel.


I agree with tha,t exept the "hard working" part,theres no work in them.

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  On 08/11/2011 at 14:44, steveS.Yorks said:
  On 08/11/2011 at 14:38, PeakOil said:

As I said around the time of the Tories original tough on immigration rhetoric, I don't believe it for one second. The masters of the Tory party, just like and in many cases the same people as the masters of New Labour want large scale immigration in the UK. A steady supply of hard working, non unionised, long hours working, minimum wage, pleased to be here immigrants. Why? To keep up corporate profits, bonuses and keep the wages of the plebs down. Not to mention propping up the slumlords 'empires' living ten, fifteen or twenty to a hovel.


I agree with tha,t exept the "hard working" part,theres no work in them.

And dont i fekin know it them fekin africans then you know why their own countrys are fekin shit holes but we keep feeding them so they will keep breeding.
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utter madness to allow all these in unchecked.more so when there lots out there in the world that would like to see the uk hurt.and even if they arent terrorists,god only knows what diseases they are bringing in with them.surely to f**k they must see the damage they are doing to this nation!

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  On 09/11/2011 at 15:48, diggory said:

one immigrant on benefits defeats the object...so why is there whole families on it ? :censored: :censored: :censored:

Because they will vote for whoever oversaw our porus borders and made them eligible to receive benefits. Politicians don't care about working people all they care about is power and money. Votes = more power and money, and a big f**k off to anyone who gets trodden on in the process of them acquiring, securing and expanding their primary concerns. IE their own power, ego and money.


The Tory party don't care about you, never have and never will. Their only redeeming feature is that they remain somewhat honest about it. The old Labour party well they used to care to a certain degree. But New Labour after 1994 and that slimy c**t Blair, don't care about you, never have and never will. Only they keep trying to peddle the pre 94 image while simultaneously filling their boots with as much cash and power as possible. As for the Lib Dems for 99 out of every 100 years no one cares what they think, say or do.

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A poll this week shows 88% of indiginous caucasian brits would leave these hallowed shores,no ones mentioned the real reasons they want to go,rampant unchecked immigration and limp-wristed politicians who pander to the droves of unwashed who rock-up here expecting free handouts.


We're sick of Britain: we're leaving

By Sarah Coles, Nov 9, 2011



Being British isn't what it used to be. Nowadays life seems to be an endless struggle through rising prices, miserable job prospects, and ruinous property prices... not to mention the drizzle. So it's hardly surprising that the vast majority of us are sick of it all and want out.


So just how dramatic is this exodus going to be, and where are we heading?



88% want to leave

A survey by flights website Skyscanner has revealed that an astonishing 88% of us are sick of life in the UK, and would seriously consider moving overseas within the next five years.


Incredibly 39% of all those considering the move were between the ages of 18 and 45, which would leave even fewer economically active people in the UK, coping with the massive pressures of an aging population.


When asked for the biggest things pushing them out of the UK, the most popular answers were the fact that life was too expensive to be affordable, that there were no decent job opportunities, and people would never be able to afford their own house. Around one in three people gave one or more of these answers.


However, there were other attractions drawing us away too. Around one in five said they wanted some decent weather for a change, and another one in five said they felt they could have a better lifestyle elsewhere.


The most popular destinations for our emigration ambitions are:


1. Australia (15%)

2. Spain (14%)

3. USA (13%)

4. Canada (8%)

5. New Zealand (7%)

6. France (6%)

7. Italy (5.5%)

8. Cyprus (3%)

9. Portugal (2.5%)

10. Thailand (2%)


So is this it? Is Britain about to lose all it's young, dynamic, creative, entrepreneurial and ambitious people for more attractive places around the world?


There are two things which may well hold people back. The first is that our positive notions about a country may not make it through the process of moving, finding a job and settling in - so we may be back.


The second, and the most vital one, is there are a huge number of countries that simply will not take you on. There are endless hoops to jump through, and in many cases unless you have an ancestral link to the country, you already have a job there, your current employer is persuaded to transfer you overseas, or you have a serious wedge of cash to invest, then you stand little or no chance of being let in.


The fact is that Brits are ready to dessert the country in droves - it's just that no-one else will have us.

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I (showing my age here) remember being a little girl, where the only real foreigners where the Indian families who would run a shop, and work hard for their money, and the Jamaican nurse's you would get in the hospital.

Back then immigrants had to work for a living, and work hard, we only let them in if we needed them, and sent them packing if they broke the law!

what has happened to Britain today?

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