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Guest jrt

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At 5mth he will probably still only have his baby teeth. Wait till 6mth then try again, then when he gets bitten he has the ammo to bite back properly :D .

Ive known a couple of terriers who started late ratting...just playing about as you describe, he is a baby still wants to play, nothing to worry about imo.


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Guest grubygrafter

plenty to do with a young dog this time of year. get your pup out and about in the countryside. lots of time should be spent around stock. sheep lambs. horses. if you plan to do a lot of ratting break it to fowl :)

when i was young i used to put boards down in the rough grassy area's leave them a week or two and then

go back and lift them for the pups they soon learned what to do if anything moved. and it was'nt long before

they would be waiting at the bits of tin/ply etc . confidence is the main thing to build. if your not planning to use your pup on foxes try walking it where there are a few rabbits and watch the penny drop. ;) be carefull if you hav'nt got a locator as yours would'nt be the first pup to go to ground when you least expect it. and most of all dont expect to much to quick. HAVE FUN. :yes:

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quote .

I will go against the grain and say Ive yet to see a good ratting dog start late.

It may well kill in another month or so, but it will never be as good as a dog that as started early


cant agree with you there mate one of the best ratting dogs i had the pleasure to go out with every wk was an absolute joy to watch work however the bitch didnt start till 18 mths.

my cousin picked up two patterdale sisters one all black and the other black and tan the black one was a evil little t**t and was catching rats at 8 mth old and she was unbelievable my cousin tried all he could to get the sister working and in the end just persevered the bitch ended up being second in the ratting to his old jrt so it was no mean feat so sometimes a bit of perseverance is called for.

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Guest grubygrafter
I will go against the grain and say Ive yet to see a good ratting dog start late.

It may well kill in another month or so, but it will never be as good as a dog that as started early.


BOLLOX. some exellent terriers are slow starters.

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The dog in the pic was of a similar age & the only dog that day not to catch a rat........!!!!!!!!...........He run about with a dead one but that was it................He later went on to become a TOP CLASS digging terrier.....In fact he can be seen this mnth in the EDRD....The small strong choc dog with a trophy....That was just a bit of fun...........But he exceled at earth work & had seen more in his short life than alot of terriers will in their careers...........He sadly died of suspected poisoning..... :(



A nice pic of the young warrior there mate .Knew him by the pic before I twigged who you were . ;) .

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I do not suscribe to the train on em on rats phillosiphy its bollox mine do Charlie end of no rats,mink or most deffeniatly rabbits only old Charlie its a proper fallicy the rat one!!!!


you must remember each to there own some people just do ratting and dont have the areas were fox are found some people just love ratting. im one of them however i dont knock anyone who just does fox all that matters is that the dog does a days graft and enjoys it the terrier i mentioned were out at least 3 times a wk on rats i might have a chat to the person in question and get up some old piccies for you.

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