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back in the game

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well back end of last year i started to have a bit of trouble with the wife well cut long story short she had to go !! but in the meentime this left me with a problem with my ferrets had to go back home to live with my rents for a bit and my 2 ferrets had to go :cray: anyway a good mate of mine took them in and although i new i wouldent be out of the game for long i thought these 2 wouldent be coming back as thay were really good at their job and as we all now good ferts are like rocking horse shit :yes: anyway cercamstances have changed recently im back in the house wife not :D devorce going through :toast: so since ive been back ive bred a litter of lurcher pups kept 2 back for myself and i thought it was time to get some ferts back so i hadnt seen my mate for a while and didnt know if he was still using them or not he said he was using them but i could have them back because he had 2 young that wernt having fair deal as he was using my 2 all the time i was over the moon to say the least :D so off we went sunday to do some awkward bank sets we ended with 10 lurchers caught 2 and we had the best laugh for ages so this is a big thank you to my mate saissy we have got a real tight group of hunting mates now and this just shows you that there are real good people still out there so heres to mates and good riddens to exess :thumbs: just goes to show women come and go but hunting stays with you fore ever and so to do good mates :thumbs: atb chris

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really good day out mate had a good laugh with all the boys but the day belongs to SUPER BUNNY :boxing: thank god u hold a rugby ball better than a netted rabbit or one out of a block end!! :clapper: good bunch of guys good sport wat more do u need!!

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Allright donk! Just to say pup is coming on fine, cheeky little thing, taken the lead ok! had its jab monday nt! Its showing no signs of fear to anything, other dogs/ traffic people! Supprising how strong he is last nt he pulled himsellf over a ply board that keeps him in his pen over night. The board is about 2 foot high, god nows how he managed it! The board is 3 foot high now so that will stop his fun and games for a bit!lol What i have noticed is how clever he is at how to work things out! Anyway hope your having double trouble with your 2!lol ATB Rob

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