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House broken

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The problem is a behavioural one. If he started doing it when the other dog came indoors then it could easily be a marking thing: trying to mark his territory. BUT I think that there must be a lot more going on than you have told us: you say that the dog was destructive due to lack of exercise when younger: that is destroyed cages..........this is one confused, unfulfilled and frustrated animal. Too much drive, too much energy, not enough stimulation, not enough to focus all that drive and energy on to.


The dog shouldn't be allowed full run of the house either. It should be confined to one room with a washable floor. It should be given a very steady routine, one which it can rely on every single day. It should be taken out just before bed time and given plenty of opportunity to empty: not just put out the back for a few moments before you let it in again. You need to see it pee and crap, not just assume it has done so.


Split up the dogs: put terrier back outside, at least at night time.



Dog also needs exercise and lots of it: at least two hours a day of fulfilling exercise, not just boring walks. Take the dog out and make it work: even if it is just going after a ball. Get it playing tug with you: not the other dog! Get it to find hidden objects. Make everything a positive experience.


Maybe change feed times too: I always feed late evening, so there should be no need to crap during the night, providing of course that you have had the dog out in the afternoon with plenty of opportunity to crap.


Use biological antibacterial spray or cleaner to clean places dog has messed in house, and don't let it back in to those rooms. Actually, why not just kennel both dogs outside? That way you won't have to do all the above??????????

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The problem is a behavioural one. If he started doing it when the other dog came indoors then it could easily be a marking thing: trying to mark his territory. BUT I think that there must be a lot more going on than you have told us: you say that the dog was destructive due to lack of exercise when younger: that is destroyed cages..........this is one confused, unfulfilled and frustrated animal. Too much drive, too much energy, not enough stimulation, not enough to focus all that drive and energy on to.


The dog shouldn't be allowed full run of the house either. It should be confined to one room with a washable floor. It should be given a very steady routine, one which it can rely on every single day. It should be taken out just before bed time and given plenty of opportunity to empty: not just put out the back for a few moments before you let it in again. You need to see it pee and crap, not just assume it has done so.


Split up the dogs: put terrier back outside, at least at night time.



Dog also needs exercise and lots of it: at least two hours a day of fulfilling exercise, not just boring walks. Take the dog out and make it work: even if it is just going after a ball. Get it playing tug with you: not the other dog! Get it to find hidden objects. Make everything a positive experience.


Maybe change feed times too: I always feed late evening, so there should be no need to crap during the night, providing of course that you have had the dog out in the afternoon with plenty of opportunity to crap.


Use biological antibacterial spray or cleaner to clean places dog has messed in house, and don't let it back in to those rooms. Actually, why not just kennel both dogs outside? That way you won't have to do all the above??????????


on the money again me thinks

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