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bunnys bite back

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after ferreting a farm with local permission i've realized as the farmer gains confidence with me a new field,quarry or extra bit of land seems to crop up in conversation!.im beginning to love it when he says 'don't you know you can go down yonder to that bit over/down or round there'. when out ferreting yesterday this conversation cropped up so off i toddled to the new bit down yonder.after a considerable walk i arrived in my usual state (puffing and wheezing) to find a large area of huge warrens that had been untouched for a long time.the innocent looking holes seemed an easy start so down went the ferrets and the wait began.before i knew it the jack russell was off down the hill and away after the rabbits.the innocent looking holes had 'back doors' 1/2 mile to 1 mile away! didnt realise this and i had nowhere near enough purse nets so i guess the long nets will have to come out.was a bit like wacky races with me my mate and the dog running left right and center to try and catch the bunnies.still had an impressive haul of 20 but gutted as we could have easily doubled the number if we had scouted the land out first.no mixy was to be seen so thats an added bonus.so watch out bunnies as arnie would say 'i'll be back!'

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