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Mole's in the sidelines...

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Yesterday the wife decided to go duvet shopping and let me stop off at the permission to have a look round before the sky lit up in welts of colour and explosions. Walking down to where I usually set up I spied some rabbits, who have just moved in (there has been no activity down there for months, so they have to have taken over the old warren), They were looking round and a touch nervous, so I just set up by which time they had disappeared. Not too upset I decided to go for the long walk, down to the middle beet field, see if there was any rabbit activity down there.


The clover was too high for there to be rabbits on the track that goes round the field, so I walked, looking for signs where they had been (ie eaten back), as I got to a likely looking bit a vic of three pheasants flew over and landed in the beet field. Two made off like Road Runner, but one sat there, staring at the bush that was looking at it, through the Hawke Nite Eye SR 6. At x11 I know where the points of impact are, I guessed a ranged of 50 metres, lined up the climbing frame reticle, gave it the correct adjustment for the 10 mile an hour wind and let Helga whisper.


The pellet flew according to the trajectory I had calculated and the pheasant rolled over! No movement! These birds are not raised by my permission holder, they raise no game for shooting and I got him smack in his beet field... The neighbouring farm does not raise pheasants either as there are too many other farms with small fields that adjoin theirs... So this is nearly a wild pheasant, I say nearly a wild, I bet it was furious....




Cleaned up and oven ready an ounce shy of 2lb, nice dinner!

Edited by secretagentmole
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Thanks guys, there are at least 8 more cock pheasants all over the permission, now I have to try finding the hen pheasants. I had to take the shot standing as well, the weeds are about 3-4 foot high round that field! I am just happy with that gun, the Darkside is surprisingly easy to get along with...

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Thanks guys, there are at least 8 more cock pheasants all over the permission, now I have to try finding the hen pheasants. I had to take the shot standing as well, the weeds are about 3-4 foot high round that field! I am just happy with that gun, the Darkside is surprisingly easy to get along with...



I have never owned a gun so easy to get on with, probably why I have kept it for three years :D

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Update after dinner, Mary has pronounced that she likes Pheasant, finds it very acceptable to eat! So now Mary has finally eaten something I have killed with an air rifle!



thats great,they are nice to eat,so there will be another one on the menue soon then....


cheers symon

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