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what do you feed your ferret ??

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Mine have a contant bowl of dry food ( chudleys ) and have fresh meat every night just take out whats left in the morning during the warmer months. I remove the guts and make sure the liver/kidneys/heart is sound and in it goes with feather and fur on. Keep fresh water and you wont go wrong. Also once a week they get scrambled egg with cod liver oil on keeps there coats good! Some will disagree but i have always kept good healthy ferrets with nice coats so il stick by it ;)

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Mine have a contant bowl of dry food ( chudleys ) and have fresh meat every night just take out whats left in the morning during the warmer months. I remove the guts and make sure the liver/kidneys/heart is sound and in it goes with feather and fur on. Keep fresh water and you wont go wrong. Also once a week they get scrambled egg with cod liver oil on keeps there coats good! Some will disagree but i have always kept good healthy ferrets with nice coats so il stick by it ;)


thats great mate cheers how much meat do you give every nite ?

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a gutted rabbit with a skin on and guts out every 2 days, just take the skin and bones out after 2 days, it is absolutely gone. if it is a small rabbit ill chuck in something like a head on the second day. this is for four ferrets, i know it doesnt sound like a lot of food, but my ferrets atre in great shape and not skinny at all, they each have a bursting belly in the morning

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Mine have a bowl of dry (alpha ferret feast) available 24/7 which I just top up every few days.


Then they get a whole fresh rabbit probably twice a week sometimes more which usually lasts 2 days, instead of rabbit they sometimes get a pheasant or a couple of wood pigeons. All whole and fresh.


In summer I imagine it will be impossible to leave something in 2 days but it's okay this weather.


Also chuck them a can of cat meat in jelly once a week or so, get them for 10p from a farm shop next door so cheap meal and the ferrets love it for some reason. And they get a couple of chicken eggs whenever I get a couple spare.



Edited by gareth_daniel
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I have one ferret that wont eat meat, not even if force fed through a funnel, she only eats dry food, the others will eat mainly rabbit, the coat on the dry fed ferret is not as good as the rabbit fed ferrets, the dry fed ferret works every bit as hard as the meat fed ferrets, but meat is in my opinion the best thing you can feed, probably because the ferrets digestion system is built to produce all it dietry requirments from meat, to bind meat into a pellet you need to add a binder, which is normally vegtable matter, which takes longer to digest, baring in mind that a ferret has a 3 hour digestive system, and that cows that are vegitarian need to eat and digest vegtable matter twice in a day to break it down, which is around seven hours, this all points to meat being the best thing to feed, and the ferrets need access to meat every three hours, so if you check them twice a day, then they need the amount of hours worth of food inbetween checks :thumbs:

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cheers stealthy1 really helpful soo say i have a pigeon in and the next morn its near done or is done should i just throw another one in straight away or leave it for a wee bit ?



Two ferrets should gobble a pigeon in a day easily, so chuck another in every day, two ferrets would eat roughly half a rabbit in a day as a guideline, depending on size, just feed them and keep an eye on their intake, if they demolish what you put in, then put a little extra in until you can work out how much they eat in a 24 hour period :thumbs:

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cheers stealthy1 really helpful soo say i have a pigeon in and the next morn its near done or is done should i just throw another one in straight away or leave it for a wee bit ?


If you put a pigeon in on an evening and its gone next morning fine do the same the next evening :thumbs:

Now if you eat all your dinner, would you get another dinner straight away or the next day?

keep harping back to in the wild but polecats,stoats, weasels etc. will hunt when they're hungry eat it sleep on it,eat a little more when they wake up and when its all gone and they get hungry go hunt something else to eat :yes:

Y.I.S Leeview

Edited by Leeview
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cheers everybody i think i get the rough idea on how much to feed them :p just trying to find out as much as i can before i get them but wont be in a hurry my main focus is to get out with the air rifle its sitting waiting just need permission soo on doors knocking i go but hopefully my granda will sort me out some permission hes been into the hunting a good few years but not really into it anymore :( and he doesnt have any permission to tke me on

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