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fox on lamp

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  On 06/11/2011 at 11:42, iceman001979 said:

Make sure you have the wind blowing in your face,make sure your in bit cover where your out line does not stand out,be as quiet as possible,have good caller and change you calls.and use a filter do all this and you get one :thumbs:

listen to the expert but dont buy a dog of him .

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Contrary to common believe its not always best practice to call with a strong wind present.


Let me explain, take an example where’s the caller is stood tight against a ditch with a strong wind blowing straight into his face,, yes he is masking his scent from any fox that may approach him from upwind. On the other hand how many fox’s have approached him from behind and got a sniff of his scent???


Now if the same hunter was to go out on a still night with little or no wind I feel he is in a much better position to call in fox’s from all directions as his scent won’t be carried as it would with a wind present. Thats my opinion.


Below are two of the best callers that I have used todate, cant fault them.


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be as quiet as possible use a red or amber fillter,make sure your down wind of the fox [wind in your face] make sure you get a good field position, wear either camoflage or dark clothing and use a good caller predator 1 is the best iv used but sometimes using you hand can be just as efective. iv been lamping lamping foxs for the past 17 years and sometimes luck plays its part so keep trying it will soon come together

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its not all about calling them you can walk onto alot of foxes on rough nights mate,spot him lamp off and walk onto it as long as youve got the wind half right you,ll be surprised how many you can walk onto ,some will call in some wont,but likes been said a filters a must :thumbs:

Edited by nighteyes
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