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ferrets and fireworks?

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how are your ferrets coping tonight with the fireworks? i worried about the baby- all fine, worried about the dogs-fast asleep but didnt even think about the ferrets. missus went outside (im working) and the ferrets are going mad in their hutch running about. the wee jill is shaking uncontrollably. was thinking about covering the hutch but it wont stop the sound. thinking about bringing them into the conservatory for the rest of tonight.


anybody else's ferrets throw a mad one with the fireworks?

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Same as mate, the older one seems the worst and trembling but the young ones are just racing around every where and hiding in their tubes. Weve had them inside, and they seem ok after a couple of minutes, so back out they've gone!

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Mine aren't bothered, thankfully, they are sleeping soundly. Putting yours in the house might muffle the sound, but if they are frightened there's not much you can do at this point in time, other than providing a dark comfy area for them to hide in. Hopefully the fireworks will ease off soon......

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Mine are inside as there are so many firework displays nearby this year. Thought they would have tired themselves out by now playing continuously for the last three hours! But will have to go back out soon. Don't seem to mind too much though, they pause when they hear a big bang but not shaking or looking too scared.

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Just got in and checked mine all sound asleep a wee bit work and a rabbit for tea's to much for them , Lee try a carpet or thick cover over the hutch front it might just muffle the noise enough but being in the dark might reassure them ?.

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ferrets were fine in the end. missus just let them get on with it and they soon settled down. pup wasnt bothered by it and the lab didnt move a muscle all night until next door put their bin out and she went mad haha psycho

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didn't even think to check mine :huh: all the fireworks were in the distance round here though so should be ok.


better go and check they've not had a heart attack!

I was ages running around my field checking all the mice.......no panic they all seemed fine....... :laugh: ffs!!

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