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Squirrel shooting airifle

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I tend to do a roaming shooting in th autum/winter months.


I take a pal out, each of us has a concealed fluorescent rag (cut op jacket)


once we see one, one person stands one side of the tree the other the other side and the squirrel will always go around the opposite side from the bright colours.

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i just make a big feeder out of plywood. about 18 inches high about 8 inch deep and 8 inch wide. cut a hole out at the bottom, then fix a feeding platform to the base. fill with bird nuts and corn flakes. leave in position for a week or so. just go back to re fill. make sure if you are making a hide, that this is done before the feeder goes up. also make sure you have a clear unobstructed view of the tree that you intend to fasten your feeder to. also make sure you remove any obstructive branches with a pruning saw, cutting close to the trunk, so not to damage the tree. as long as you have permission to do so.you will surprised how quickly they find the feeder.

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Peanut butter = No Good

Mixed Nuts = Top result!!!


I was in the forest at 5am set the nuts on a tree stump and found a bit of cover about 60/70 yards away and then just waited.


Bam ..... Shot 7 on the bounce.

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I would reinforce what Si said, don't remove the bodies. As he said there are often several about if you can see one.

Couple of weeks back I had two within 3 feet of each other. My gun is pretty silent as as the first one keeled over and kicked a bit before expiring, the other one ran over to it and nicked it's food! It only really took me as long as was needed to carefully pull the bolt and reload before it was kicking too!


As above, they are tough little critters though. And often a good headshot will sometimes result in quite a bit of kicking before they go still. I'm always ready to reload and stick a second pellet in them if needed.

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