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has this been on?

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i had problems with my 10 year old son ,i have him during the week a few days and all weekend but he lives with his mum.He was acting the little bollox when with his mum and playing the 2 of us off e

thats fecking nasty,must be a real tough guy


Child abuse,not nice to watch is it,but I imagine thats not the first hiding that kids had,you could hear the vindictiveness as he screamed at her,mother was just as bad,but how can he possibly mete out justice to those who break societies laws after this,who is going to take the bullying c**t seriously?

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It's totally beyond me how the f**k that can't warrant charges being pressed.


There are thousands of people unable to have children, who'd give anything to be able to love and make a child happy, and there's twats like him who have them and treat them like that.


I really do hope he gets a good kicking from someone in the very near future.

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He isnt getting prosecuted because that incident happened 7 years ago,the statute of limitations for causing physical injury to a child is 5 years,you cant see it in the clip BUT she is also disabled,she has cerebral palsy,and he has some sort of "Addiction" his now ex-wife refused to divulge but said is a contributory factor to his actions,he has been suspended for 2 weeks.


Hillary Adams...Daughter. 'It did happen regularly for a period of time, and I could tell because of the pattern that things were escalating again, so I set up my video camera on the dresser and covered the little red light with a scarf.'


Hallie Adams ex-wife. 'I was completely brainwashed and controlled. When I leave the room he is telling me what to say, what to do.'


William Adams AKA Judge Adams It looks worse than it is.'


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just in case you are not informed,hs a judge of the law,handing down setences to law breakers and the crime was she downloaded music from the net.Does the punishment fit the crime.......I think not.

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