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scope and mountings sliding on my howa 1500?please help

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hi all had this rifle for about 2 yrs and had some fun with it,when i bought it from the gun shop they threw in some 40 quid ish mountings, up untill now they have been ok but recently they have sliding on the rifle (howa 1500 sporter)

last week i stripped them down re sighted them on the rifle and nail varnished all the threads and heads to lock them in position,

today went up to zero the rifle and got the sights just about bang on @100 yrds,then i thought somethings wrong here as when looking through the scopes i could see the x hairs vibrating, on inspection i found the front mounting had slipped off the base plate

again i re tightened them and after 3 shots you could see the scopes sliding off the base plates

i know the mounting are not the best you can buy but all screws were very tight but moved after a very short time

apart from buying some more mountings and bullets has anyone come across this before

please any advice would be more than welcome as its beginning to get to me

thanks alot



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Gibbo 1973

Throw those mounts in the bin.Buy leopold redfield type "steel" bases & the right "steel"rings to suit your scope.How high?Do you need a reversible ring for eye relief?

Locktite the screws & put a dab of 2 pack epoxy under each base.

After getting the scope positioned vert/horisontal & eye relief put a dab of epoxy under the top half of each ring & locktight the screws.


This is what I do, although I dont scope rifles heavier than 375 cal.I have put many thousamds of rounds through scoped medium to large cal rifles,which also get very abused without issues or concern doing it like this.




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Drill down the centre of the mount and tap a thread into it,,,, now mount and zero the scope when your happy with it remove the scope ( not the mounts) now with a pionted grub screw screw down into the hole you drilled and tapped. tighten till you feel the base plate, then 1/4 turn more , this will mark the hole centres,,,, now remove the mounts and centre pop the marks, drill the base plate with a 1/16 / 1.5mm drill about 2 mm deep, then countersink the hole by hand just enough to give a lead, refit mounts loosely and feel for the holes then retighten the mounts screw in the grub screws and lock with a drop or 2 of melted candle wax, wipe clean tube mount and refit scope

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Couple of things here.


1) Are you sure it's the mounts? You said you could see the cross hairs vibrating, this would suggest that the scope is at fault.


2) Presuming the scope is not at fault. There is only one thing for it. Strip the lot off the rifle, degrease the lot and have a good look for any signs of damage. If found or suspected, bin the lot and buy new, assemble using thread lock (loctite 243) and re-zero.



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yes its the mounts as they were flush with rifles base plates and after a few shots you could see it had moved ,it was vibrating as the scopes was only held by one mounting as it slid that far forward before i realised some thing was wrong ,thanks for the replies lads

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jamie g, are weaver style "reversable" bases & rings avaliable ?

Weaver might be better for a rail or bridge mount .

With 2 piece bases they may not provide the flexability or eye relief for all scopes or shooters.

Fine if they do.


Cheers Khakibob

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