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I for one arnt suggesting that we should be aloud to use all methods both fair and foul, just saying that if as some have suggested that the fenn mk6 isnt up to the job its designed to do, then surely the law (list of lawfull traps) relating to LAWFULL traps be revised. I was just trying to put across that i was carrying out this form of trapping within the law with a trap as deemed lawfull and not in anyway suggesting anything other than that ;)

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Mole-catcher,..You are to be commended for your responsible and wholly sensible attitude regarding the usage of spring traps for vermin control. :clapper:

I would expect nothing less from an enlightened 'modern pester'. :clapper:

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CW. thanks for the offer of a chat, i will take you up on it one evening. The body grips you mention i have used on rats as well as ther tree loving brethran but not on mink. This has not been out of a desire to stay within my comfort zone but just out of sticking with what i know. This doesnt meen that what i know is best, just that i seem to stick with what i know. And true, as a forward looking modern pester we owe it to ourselves to look further than the ends of our nose, so the chance of a chat may be taken sooner rather than later. :drink:

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Why not just dig a hole for the trap "Pocket set" then attach about 3 foor of chain anchored in deep water.

Mink gets the jewelry on and heads for deep water. Not being able to swim and work the trap drowns in minutes. They say once a mink get's caught they can have a heart attack.

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No,..it wasn't one of my best efforts,..but you still felt the urge to take it.... :no:

Not much point in putting any images up if they are going to go awol.... :hmm:

its you that makes them go awol, i was only wanting to show off as to how clever i am with these computers, and theres only enuff room under my pillow for kylie , britteny and paris, oh and that bird of the white snake video

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