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come on whin ..credit where credit is due ...most dogs fit will put a good few bunnies in the bag..but when your talking 40 to 50 slips ...thats is a hell test for a dog on any ground ive run up the

right,, testing, whin, last nite the dog kicked the nite off in 16.5 temp, wind i cud fert more feilds winter wheat border line for running,20 mil of growth to them, a bit like the dersert, grass feil

Whines dogs are well tested folks and if not the most tested of all dogs world wide.

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gd bag but never looked at rabbs as a test for a good dog ,unles on fast land even then pre ban there was more testing qaurry were you had to use the wind the weather keep your eyes out for the enemy lol,people on here alot dont no about testing dogs to the max as well its not for the feint earted ,most half sdecent urcher wil fill a bag of rabbs mate

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gd bag but never looked at rabbs as a test for a good dog ,unles on fast land even then pre ban there was more testing qaurry were you had to use the wind the weather keep your eyes out for the enemy lol,people on here alot dont no about testing dogs to the max as well its not for the feint earted ,most half sdecent urcher wil fill a bag of rabbs mate


Whin..Jim has stated that the land he ran on was "hard and testing"..christ maybe it wasn't on your "ultimate" land but Jim has put more game to rest than most and that includes you too more than likely? so imo he knows what a test is for his dog..and all this keeping an eye out for the enemy lol..you'd have us believe that no one other than you has "crossed" the boundary fence? Sometimes it ain't about the quarry that makes it a challenging or testing it's the very land you run on? ATB Andy. :thumbs: ...oh and i nearly forgot lol...great shift by both man and dog..dedication in it's highest order.Well done Jim & Ern. ;)

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gd bag but never looked at rabbs as a test for a good dog ,unles on fast land even then pre ban there was more testing qaurry were you had to use the wind the weather keep your eyes out for the enemy lol,people on here alot dont no about testing dogs to the max as well its not for the feint earted ,most half sdecent urcher wil fill a bag of rabbs mate

chasing 1-2 rabbits isn't a test, but surely when you run that many like Jim has on that kinda land then imo it does become a test for the dog :thumbs:

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ye i understand mate caut thousands of rabbs ,but being honest i look at things diffrent ,its great giving the dogs a blow out on the rabbs ,but its nothing new to guys who walked the walk for years ,its not the final of the forley cup or cachting five ut of five on big land or when it was all legal cacthing several roe and getting paid legaly by the game dealer , its arabb first one i caut at elevn year old ,with ferret and net ,when you have sen great dogs etc on good game had dogs of champions as they say a nite out on the rabbs is a good bit of fun ,there dogs outt here caching allsorts in style ,most good half collie crosses can cacth them for fun

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