kenny14 656 Posted November 3, 2011 Report Share Posted November 3, 2011 This is going round in circles, i think the one thing most of agree with is there are some chavtastic low life cnuts getting into lurchers who shouldn't be allowed any form of livestock and unfortunately due to media propaganda the public often assume we are all like them, wandering the countryside robbing diesel, nicking tractors and if we have a bad night we hang around the shops the next day egging our poorly conditioned curs onto Mrs Meakins pet cat Tibbles, the fact is many of us are responsible, have respectable jobs, wifes, mortgages and childreen and are actually an asset to the community.............. Hear Hear simo, and I'm all for promoting that fact, and denouncing the type of 'hunter' in the article that this topic is about What so everyone that doesnt agree with you and says cats are great and harmless little pets ect ect So were all chavs, unresponsible, shite jobs, claiming benifts, no mortgage and contrbute nothing to the community lmao Get of your fukcing high horse Cats are a pest I don't think you've read the posts fully. If so you'd have realised that I totally dislike Cats. But I refuse to condone the killing of any family pet for fun or sport. In fact I think it's a low down act. yeah and there is no proof what so ever that cat coursing is occuring on a regular basis. for fun or sport, your just publicing pure shite even more! How do you know its even chavs chasing the cats???? Or the unemployed single no kids and does nothing for the community? There is alot of assumitions on this thread that is bullshite! And it's you that's doing all the assuming!! Read the posts fully my friend, then if you still have a gripe about what I've written, you're totally within your rights to disagree with me. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
jarv5116 57 Posted November 3, 2011 Report Share Posted November 3, 2011 This is going round in circles, i think the one thing most of agree with is there are some chavtastic low life cnuts getting into lurchers who shouldn't be allowed any form of livestock and unfortunately due to media propaganda the public often assume we are all like them, wandering the countryside robbing diesel, nicking tractors and if we have a bad night we hang around the shops the next day egging our poorly conditioned curs onto Mrs Meakins pet cat Tibbles, the fact is many of us are responsible, have respectable jobs, wifes, mortgages and childreen and are actually an asset to the community.............. Hear Hear simo, and I'm all for promoting that fact, and denouncing the type of 'hunter' in the article that this topic is about What so everyone that doesnt agree with you and says cats are great and harmless little pets ect ect So were all chavs, unresponsible, shite jobs, claiming benifts, no mortgage and contrbute nothing to the community lmao Get of your fukcing high horse Cats are a pest I don't think you've read the posts fully. If so you'd have realised that I totally dislike Cats. But I refuse to condone the killing of any family pet for fun or sport. In fact I think it's a low down act. yeah and there is no proof what so ever that cat coursing is occuring on a regular basis. for fun or sport, your just publicing pure shite even more! How do you know its even chavs chasing the cats???? Or the unemployed single no kids and does nothing for the community? There is alot of assumitions on this thread that is bullshite! You didn't respond to my post and as has been already benn mentioned you aren't reading the posts properly. The media has brought to the public attention a negative story about people owning lurchers, whether or not this is a fabricated story or truth its in the public eye and its in lurcher owning communities best interest to address the story and put forward a positive spin, my point was many of us are reposnsible, and responsibility isn't linked to employment or how many kids you have, i didn't link the two, it was merely a point. What isn't an assumption is the fact that a lot of idiots own running dogs, the proof of that is not only highlighted in the media, sometimes fabraicated, sometimes not, but also on the moronic posts and threads put on forums like this one, and just look at the classifieds, that will tell you all you need to know about the commitment, responsibility and often the lack of morals and care many people linked to us display............... Well if responsibillty isnt linked to been married with kids, mortgage and basicaly a thieving cnut that has no imput in the community. Why put responsible people with respectable jobs, mortgage, married and asset to community??? I know quite few great lurcher men with no job, single, no mortgage and has no input in community. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
jf1970 328 Posted November 3, 2011 Report Share Posted November 3, 2011 Cats there a fukcing pain in the arse. If one got in my dads pigeon loft and killed 50 doos What he be in the paper calling on a cat cull???????????????????? No thats life. dogs kill cats Cats kill birds and any other small animals Tough shite dry your eyes its only a cat for fcuk sake Are you really that stupid you have missed the point entirely? I would hazard a guess at YES! why the is that then I I'll humour you . . . It wou ld be because your post bears very little relevance to the original point of the thread. Yes, cats kill birds, and dogs kill cats. But anyone who goes out to intentionaly set their dogs on cats is scum. Same as if some one intentionaly set their cat amongst your pigeons would also be scum. Make sense now? Yeah thats point Im trying make The guy who owns the cat doesnt know what its doing 16 hours of day when its roaming Poor old Mr what ever cat named jess has prob racked up 30 young doos and 30 young pheasnts a season How many gardens has it shat in my wife owns a cat, sitting beside me now the cat is still alive and I have running dogs in the garden If ya wanna let your cat roam then more than likely a dog or a car will kill it If your that worried about the bad publicity why post it on live forum were the rest of the uk will see it and 37588 members which 35000 are proberly antis looking for shite like poor old Mr johnson Cats jess what cat do you know that roams for 16hrs a day and kills 30 pigeons and 30 pheasants a season, even if there was such a cat it certainly wouldn't give you the right to set the dogs on it, you say your wife owns a cat, is that cat kept in all day every day? imagine how she would feel if this happened to her beloved family pet, unfortunately there are more and more knobs like you coming onto this site, something it can certainly do without. Why am I a knob you fukcing scudbook I aint a some little chav and dont chase cats up streets and I aint supporting cat coursing what so ever lmao All im fukcing saying is poor old mr what ever cat isnt some little innocent pet. No one been caught cat (coursing), For all you know its proberly bunch kids with couple staffies chasing them up streets. Cause you would need be a complete idiot to chase cats up streets changing you tune a bit aren't you, lads slipping a dog on a cat, lads chasing cats up the street with their staffies, thats alright because mr whatevers cat shits in someones garden and isn't as innocent as it seems, ffs get a grip of yourself, you are a knob of the highest order, is it any wonder you have to come on to THL to find mates to go out hunting with, billy no mates, and as for calling people a scudbook, lol, i was calling my mates that when i was 10 and that was 30 yrs ago, your patter is pish ya wee 30yr old chav. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
rob190364 2,594 Posted November 3, 2011 Report Share Posted November 3, 2011 This is going round in circles, i think the one thing most of agree with is there are some chavtastic low life cnuts getting into lurchers who shouldn't be allowed any form of livestock and unfortunately due to media propaganda the public often assume we are all like them, wandering the countryside robbing diesel, nicking tractors and if we have a bad night we hang around the shops the next day egging our poorly conditioned curs onto Mrs Meakins pet cat Tibbles, the fact is many of us are responsible, have respectable jobs, wifes, mortgages and childreen and are actually an asset to the community.............. Hear Hear simo, and I'm all for promoting that fact, and denouncing the type of 'hunter' in the article that this topic is about What so everyone that doesnt agree with you and says cats are great and harmless little pets ect ect So were all chavs, unresponsible, shite jobs, claiming benifts, no mortgage and contrbute nothing to the community lmao Get of your fukcing high horse Cats are a pest I don't think you've read the posts fully. If so you'd have realised that I totally dislike Cats. But I refuse to condone the killing of any family pet for fun or sport. In fact I think it's a low down act. yeah and there is no proof what so ever that cat coursing is occuring on a regular basis. for fun or sport, your just publicing pure shite even more! How do you know its even chavs chasing the cats???? Or the unemployed single no kids and does nothing for the community? There is alot of assumitions on this thread that is bullshite! You didn't respond to my post and as has been already benn mentioned you aren't reading the posts properly. The media has brought to the public attention a negative story about people owning lurchers, whether or not this is a fabricated story or truth its in the public eye and its in lurcher owning communities best interest to address the story and put forward a positive spin, my point was many of us are reposnsible, and responsibility isn't linked to employment or how many kids you have, i didn't link the two, it was merely a point. What isn't an assumption is the fact that a lot of idiots own running dogs, the proof of that is not only highlighted in the media, sometimes fabraicated, sometimes not, but also on the moronic posts and threads put on forums like this one, and just look at the classifieds, that will tell you all you need to know about the commitment, responsibility and often the lack of morals and care many people linked to us display............... Well if responsibillty isnt linked to been married with kids, mortgage and basicaly a thieving cnut that has no imput in the community. Why put responsible people with respectable jobs, mortgage, married and asset to community??? I know quite few great lurcher men with no job, single, no mortgage and has no input in community. JESUS FUKKIN CHRIST!!! surely you're on the wind up? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Simoman 110 Posted November 3, 2011 Report Share Posted November 3, 2011 This is going round in circles, i think the one thing most of agree with is there are some chavtastic low life cnuts getting into lurchers who shouldn't be allowed any form of livestock and unfortunately due to media propaganda the public often assume we are all like them, wandering the countryside robbing diesel, nicking tractors and if we have a bad night we hang around the shops the next day egging our poorly conditioned curs onto Mrs Meakins pet cat Tibbles, the fact is many of us are responsible, have respectable jobs, wifes, mortgages and childreen and are actually an asset to the community.............. Hear Hear simo, and I'm all for promoting that fact, and denouncing the type of 'hunter' in the article that this topic is about What so everyone that doesnt agree with you and says cats are great and harmless little pets ect ect So were all chavs, unresponsible, shite jobs, claiming benifts, no mortgage and contrbute nothing to the community lmao Get of your fukcing high horse Cats are a pest I don't think you've read the posts fully. If so you'd have realised that I totally dislike Cats. But I refuse to condone the killing of any family pet for fun or sport. In fact I think it's a low down act. yeah and there is no proof what so ever that cat coursing is occuring on a regular basis. for fun or sport, your just publicing pure shite even more! How do you know its even chavs chasing the cats???? Or the unemployed single no kids and does nothing for the community? There is alot of assumitions on this thread that is bullshite! You didn't respond to my post and as has been already benn mentioned you aren't reading the posts properly. The media has brought to the public attention a negative story about people owning lurchers, whether or not this is a fabricated story or truth its in the public eye and its in lurcher owning communities best interest to address the story and put forward a positive spin, my point was many of us are reposnsible, and responsibility isn't linked to employment or how many kids you have, i didn't link the two, it was merely a point. What isn't an assumption is the fact that a lot of idiots own running dogs, the proof of that is not only highlighted in the media, sometimes fabraicated, sometimes not, but also on the moronic posts and threads put on forums like this one, and just look at the classifieds, that will tell you all you need to know about the commitment, responsibility and often the lack of morals and care many people linked to us display............... Well if responsibillty isnt linked to been married with kids, mortgage and basicaly a thieving cnut that has no imput in the community. Why put responsible people with respectable jobs, mortgage, married and asset to community??? I know quite few great lurcher men with no job, single, no mortgage and has no input in community. You still didn't read my post properly did you............... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
kenny14 656 Posted November 3, 2011 Report Share Posted November 3, 2011 This is going round in circles, i think the one thing most of agree with is there are some chavtastic low life cnuts getting into lurchers who shouldn't be allowed any form of livestock and unfortunately due to media propaganda the public often assume we are all like them, wandering the countryside robbing diesel, nicking tractors and if we have a bad night we hang around the shops the next day egging our poorly conditioned curs onto Mrs Meakins pet cat Tibbles, the fact is many of us are responsible, have respectable jobs, wifes, mortgages and childreen and are actually an asset to the community.............. Hear Hear simo, and I'm all for promoting that fact, and denouncing the type of 'hunter' in the article that this topic is about What so everyone that doesnt agree with you and says cats are great and harmless little pets ect ect So were all chavs, unresponsible, shite jobs, claiming benifts, no mortgage and contrbute nothing to the community lmao Get of your fukcing high horse Cats are a pest I don't think you've read the posts fully. If so you'd have realised that I totally dislike Cats. But I refuse to condone the killing of any family pet for fun or sport. In fact I think it's a low down act. yeah and there is no proof what so ever that cat coursing is occuring on a regular basis. for fun or sport, your just publicing pure shite even more! How do you know its even chavs chasing the cats???? Or the unemployed single no kids and does nothing for the community? There is alot of assumitions on this thread that is bullshite! You didn't respond to my post and as has been already benn mentioned you aren't reading the posts properly. The media has brought to the public attention a negative story about people owning lurchers, whether or not this is a fabricated story or truth its in the public eye and its in lurcher owning communities best interest to address the story and put forward a positive spin, my point was many of us are reposnsible, and responsibility isn't linked to employment or how many kids you have, i didn't link the two, it was merely a point. What isn't an assumption is the fact that a lot of idiots own running dogs, the proof of that is not only highlighted in the media, sometimes fabraicated, sometimes not, but also on the moronic posts and threads put on forums like this one, and just look at the classifieds, that will tell you all you need to know about the commitment, responsibility and often the lack of morals and care many people linked to us display............... Well if responsibillty isnt linked to been married with kids, mortgage and basicaly a thieving cnut that has no imput in the community. Why put responsible people with respectable jobs, mortgage, married and asset to community??? I know quite few great lurcher men with no job, single, no mortgage and has no input in community. Don't you think he might just have been stating a few simple examples?? And as for 'I know quite a few great lurcher men'. I bet they're real legends among the Cat coursing brigade! 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Strong Stuff 2,171 Posted November 3, 2011 Report Share Posted November 3, 2011 Edited because I can't even be arsed posting. 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
jarv5116 57 Posted November 3, 2011 Report Share Posted November 3, 2011 This is going round in circles, i think the one thing most of agree with is there are some chavtastic low life cnuts getting into lurchers who shouldn't be allowed any form of livestock and unfortunately due to media propaganda the public often assume we are all like them, wandering the countryside robbing diesel, nicking tractors and if we have a bad night we hang around the shops the next day egging our poorly conditioned curs onto Mrs Meakins pet cat Tibbles, the fact is many of us are responsible, have respectable jobs, wifes, mortgages and childreen and are actually an asset to the community.............. Hear Hear simo, and I'm all for promoting that fact, and denouncing the type of 'hunter' in the article that this topic is about What so everyone that doesnt agree with you and says cats are great and harmless little pets ect ect So were all chavs, unresponsible, shite jobs, claiming benifts, no mortgage and contrbute nothing to the community lmao Get of your fukcing high horse Cats are a pest I don't think you've read the posts fully. If so you'd have realised that I totally dislike Cats. But I refuse to condone the killing of any family pet for fun or sport. In fact I think it's a low down act. yeah and there is no proof what so ever that cat coursing is occuring on a regular basis. for fun or sport, your just publicing pure shite even more! How do you know its even chavs chasing the cats???? Or the unemployed single no kids and does nothing for the community? There is alot of assumitions on this thread that is bullshite! You didn't respond to my post and as has been already benn mentioned you aren't reading the posts properly. The media has brought to the public attention a negative story about people owning lurchers, whether or not this is a fabricated story or truth its in the public eye and its in lurcher owning communities best interest to address the story and put forward a positive spin, my point was many of us are reposnsible, and responsibility isn't linked to employment or how many kids you have, i didn't link the two, it was merely a point. What isn't an assumption is the fact that a lot of idiots own running dogs, the proof of that is not only highlighted in the media, sometimes fabraicated, sometimes not, but also on the moronic posts and threads put on forums like this one, and just look at the classifieds, that will tell you all you need to know about the commitment, responsibility and often the lack of morals and care many people linked to us display............... Well if responsibillty isnt linked to been married with kids, mortgage and basicaly a thieving cnut that has no imput in the community. Why put responsible people with respectable jobs, mortgage, married and asset to community??? I know quite few great lurcher men with no job, single, no mortgage and has no input in community. Don't you think he might just have been stating a few simple examples?? And as for 'I know quite a few great lurcher men'. I bet they're real legends among the Cat coursing brigade! As I have stated I never have chased a cat As I have stated from start they are a fukcn pest As I will also state what has repectable job married with mortgage and kids got to do with hunting??? f**k all Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Simoman 110 Posted November 3, 2011 Report Share Posted November 3, 2011 You really are thick as f**k youth........... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
rob190364 2,594 Posted November 3, 2011 Report Share Posted November 3, 2011 can I just point out that being a chav doesn't necessarily mean that you're jobless, live in council house etc. etc. A chav is a chav, if a chav gets a mortgage or a job is doesn't mean he or she is suddenly not a chav any more! But that's besides the point, that's not even what's being discussed. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
rob190364 2,594 Posted November 3, 2011 Report Share Posted November 3, 2011 You really are thick as f**k youth........... he can't be, he's got a mortgage and a wife!!! Quote Link to post Share on other sites
jarv5116 57 Posted November 3, 2011 Report Share Posted November 3, 2011 You really are thick as f**k youth........... he can't be, he's got a mortgage and a wife!!! What differnce does it make if I have got a mortgage or live on council house or single or married??? f**k all thats the point Im trying make? Quote Link to post Share on other sites
jarv5116 57 Posted November 3, 2011 Report Share Posted November 3, 2011 You really are thick as f**k youth........... he can't be, he's got a mortgage and a wife!!! What differnce does it make if I have got a mortgage or live on council house or single or married??? f**k all thats the point Im trying make? Its got no relavance what so ever to someone chasing a cat up a street Quote Link to post Share on other sites
Simoman 110 Posted November 3, 2011 Report Share Posted November 3, 2011 I'll simplify the thread (for the odd member) this story may be fabricated, or its isolated incidents that have been highlighted and sensationalised to sell papers BUT without doubt these morons will be linked by the media to us guys/gals who hunts, so we can't bury out heads in the sand and plead denial, we need to show many of us are responsible (regardless of whether you have a job/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/blue peter badge) and we hunt with compassion, morals and are just like your average Joe, except we still do what our ancestors do and enjoy hunting.......................... Quote Link to post Share on other sites
jarv5116 57 Posted November 3, 2011 Report Share Posted November 3, 2011 I'll simplify the thread (for the odd member) this story may be fabricated, or its isolated incidents that have been highlighted and sensationalised to sell papers BUT without doubt these morons will be linked by the media to us guys/gals who hunts, so we can't bury out heads in the sand and plead denial, we need to show many of us are responsible (regardless of whether you have a job/wife/girlfriend/boyfriend/blue peter badge) and we hunt with compassion, morals and are just like your average Joe, except we still do what our ancestors do and enjoy hunting.......................... I will agree with that lol 1 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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